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Just a short while ago I made a new friend on the fedi (yay!) and we got talking about Dr. Who, so have a bit of this: (see picture)

Some of these episodes I still remember years after I've watched them, while the latest Marvell superhero concoction tastes like a flat chewing gum.

Hat off to the creators of Dr. Who, a truly great show!
#drwho #doctorwho

Guy leaves fediverse because people are offended and snowflakes

Response: block more people

You can’t make this shit up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ


No more need to argue that Gab is garbage

You all know it

Come with me if you want to post

Or keep trusting the plan (pic related)

#ss420 I definitely agree with the sentiment of what you stated. I wish you would reconsider as it will further yield the to those people. Still I respect your choice. I hope to see you back πŸ™‚

Thanks bro.

I want everyone happy. The problem with that goal is that people on either extreme feel the other doesn't have a right to be happy, and left to themselves.

@oneway @terryenglish

Free speech is when you can say things other people don’t like.

There’s nothing free about the exercise of speech that is approved.

@terryenglish @baguette I really worry for them.
If they think censorship and curtailment of personal freedoms for the "greater good" is a thing to strive for, then they're going to have a rude awakening.
Now I completely understand that there are individuals who abuse these rights for malicious reasons, yet it's important to learn to differentiate.
Can't fight fire with fire, etc.
Freedoms, once gone (or given up) are so hard to get back.
I'm kinda mushing all my replies to your toots into one:
> and that'd require some serious advances in AI
Strongly disagree. As I've said previously, tech that makes choices automatically, or tech that tries to guess what users want, is inherently broken.
I say, while enjoying the music suggestions youtube gives me.
But that's all they are: suggestions.
The choice should always be mine.
Users have to feel (and more importantly, actually be) empowered, not incapacitated by tech.
Shoutout to gogl and their filter bubbles here.
> 'federate ONLY with instances I allow' definitely needs to be an option.
Absolutely agree.
> just because I'm Irish.
Has nothing to do with anything ;) The best way to play with racists is to take the cards out of their hands.
> Oh boy, here's where I piss off the other side and have nobody to talk to :(
Not at all, at least not me. I'm just telling you what I think about your idea.
> the list of "global" blocks for an instance should be public.
That should be an absolute given. At least there should be a choice. If disabled, people can then go and ask the admins as to the reason(s) why. Transparency.
> Dude's goal seems to be "I will never ever see anything I find detestable", and I'm saying "You may have to see it one time, before never seeing it again."
I understand that you feel attacked, because, well, he did attack you.
But don't make this about him. I just read his original post again and wonder who could something like that seriously. Of course this is easy for me to say, I did not get attacked, but don't put too much weight into his words.
>We need to be able to "Takeout" out entire accounts, and import them elsewhere.

The fediverse is far from being feature complete, if indeed that can ever be achieved. As you point out, there are crucial features missing.

CC @terryenglish

@terryenglish @fireglow
My problem is that the *latest* person to give their opinion on me is always assumed to be correct.

That's one hell of a bug.

Hi yes hello Gab users 

@terryenglish @fireglow
That's the other bit: Dude was subtooting talking about how "this guy doesn't know instance blocks exist OMEGALUL"

Dude's goal seems to be "I will never ever see anything I find detestable", and I'm saying "You may have to see it one time, before never seeing it again."

If that's unreasonable, that person's gonna have a super hard time functioning in society.

@fireglow @terryenglish

Oh boy, here's where I piss off the other side and have nobody to talk to :(

In the past 5 years, I've learned that some users want choices abstracted from them. That, of itself, is their choice.

It's why I think the list of "global" blocks for an instance should be public. It's one of the things you compare when you "shop" for a place to make your Mastodon account.

If Joe Blow wants their feed curated, more power to them.

Well and the dude calls me racist and all the rest while saying "white people this" and "white people that" and more than anything I'm confused, assuming I'd missed something.

If it really was "if user.bigot { dont_federate};" I'd be all for it, but the gotcha is always the corner cases, and that'd require some serious advances in AI

The whole storm started when I slowly tried to bring dude to that conclusion

@fireglow @terryenglish
I also think, for people like that (and corporate users too, for compliance reasons), 'federate ONLY with instances I allow' definitely needs to be an option.

Instance Admins are users too.

The frustration is from the blanket assumption that I'm not at least trying to look out for dude's interests, just because I'm Irish.

@terryenglish @r000t I'm in agreement witih Terry here.

What I was going to say:
I certainly would never deploy or use such a system. Strongly worded, but let me explain:
A system that takes these VERY IMPORTANT choices out of the users hands is pure evil.
At best I could imagine something like "Here's some instance blocks we think you'd enjoy".
But in all honesty, I think such a system is an ideal tool for people to a) abuse, and b) unwary ones to shoot themselves in the foot with.
Automatic censorship is something very dangerous, I believe.
People should have the opportunity to be able to change their minds the very next day. A instance blocklist, hidden ten clicks away in settings, hinders that greatly.
I think technology should only ever be used to connect people, not wall them off.
Just my two cents.
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Also Named Bort πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦'s choices:

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