I know it isn't advanced, but hopefully this can help someone that finds themselves in a similar pentest situation.
Breaking Through NAT For Meterpreter - https://synfinner.ru/2019/11/04/Breaking-Through-NAT-For-Meterpreter/
Just added: Pentesting #Kubernetes cluster with Kube-Hunter
A couple of things to add in the post would be some logs from KH activity generated by stderror from the cluster, from the API server (via audit flag) and also from Falco.
Yea. The new AirPod Pros are pretty great.
@jerry the noise cancelling is quite excellent
OpenSSH now has experimental U2F/FIDO support https://marc.info/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=157259802529972 #ssh #sysadmin #tips
Introducing Twilio's SOCless: Automated Security Runbooks https://www.twilio.com/blog/introducing-twilio-socless via @twilio@twitter.com
I've been working on a side project to possibly get me out of this negative part of my life.
Quite honestly, the model will be to simply "be better"
Infosec stuff | Global traveller | Food connoisseur | Recovering APT