Who runs
((( Corporations)))
Who runs ((( Banks)))
Who runs ((( Government )))
Who runs UN, WEF, Black Rock, Vanguard
Who signed everyone up to Agenda 21 2030 in 1991
Who supports ((( Equality ))) , ((( Multi culturalism)))
((( New World Modern Society ))) is collapsing under its own corrupt weight
A diverse group of people
I agree 💯. They never feel the shit they create. So they keep on shoveling it towards everybody else.
That's how it goes, right? They say they stand for something, force everyone else to do it, then when they are held to the same standard reply "I didn't mean me"
@societyoutcasts Some good videos from UK and USA that people are interviewed the the street
Do they support imports - of course anti whites do
Then asked
will they take one
- All said no and made reasons not too