You've been working in your #fsharp/#dotnet app for some time, it's time to publish, mac and windows have options: brew, winget, scoop
But what about linux?
It might not be so simple so here's an example of a FuncUI app as a snap

#dotnet #fsharp #snap #ubuntu #linux #apps #packaging

I will try Flatpak next but the last time I tried it was not so simple... Hopefully this time it isn't that hard!

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@angelmunoz take a look at from @nlogozzo This example along with his other apps really helped me with Flatpak

@scitesy @angelmunoz :) feel free to message me for any questions I'm always happy to help! Most likely I think I will!

I remember I had issues because I was not able to figure out how to build locally (at least for testing) and then moving on to building from git as the source

But I will try it out first, this looks like a cool example and I'll poke around

@angelmunoz @scitesy @scitesy @angelmunoz yeah the thing with flatpak you have to remember is that there is no network access when building apps ...all sources will be downloaded before the build starts and once the build starts there are is no network access.

So you have to use this script: to generate a json file of all the nuget packages and pass it to dotnet build to use instead of restoring from nuget and then it works.

Like I said, I'm here for any help needed :)

Ohh I see Yeah that's very likely why I had so much trouble the last time.
Well I'm not sure if this is the best approach but rather than building the project within flatpak I preferred to provide just the ouputs of msbuild

The workflow looks like this

dotnet publish ./src -c Release -o ./flatpak/Flaco --self-contained -r linux-x64
cd flatpak
flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir org.flatpak.Flaco.yml

and seems to work, my train of thought is that it is likely that I have a CI machine building this package for me, so why not leave just the flatpak packaging after the sources are already compiled?

@angelmunoz @scitesy you could certainly do that as well i guess...but most flatpaks I've seen always build from source within the flatpak instead of using pre-built that's what I've choosen to do.

Plus depending on people's access to CI enviornments, flatpak provides you with one always available to do builds.

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