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saf boosted

Hi guys, is there a privacy-respecting (open source?) video editor for iOS?

Please boost for visibility 馃檹 .

The existence of an iOS version of VLC may mean that all the essential libraries have already been ported.

saf boosted

讘转讙讜讘讛, 讗诪讗 砖诇讛 讗诪专讛 讘讛转专讙砖讜转: 讻讘专 诪讙讬诇 拽讟谉 讛讬讗 转诪讬讚 讛讬转讛 诪谞爪讞转.

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讬讛诇讬 讜讜讟住讜谉 - 诪讚讘专 诇拽讬专讜转
诪讜谞讬拽讛 住拽住 -讙砖诐 讞讝拽
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saf boosted

诪讬讟讜讟 讞诪讗住 / 砖讞专讜专 讛讞讟讜驻讬诐

注诐 讻诇 讛讻讘讜讚 诇诪谞讬 诪诪讟专讛, 谞专讗讛 诇讬 砖讛讗讝谞讛 讘诇讜驻 诇-10 讛砖谞讬讜转 讛诪爪讜专驻讜转 讛讬转讛 砖讜讘专转 讻诇 谞讞拽专

saf boosted

@nixCraft I've always liked this one.

HR: How do you explain this 4 year gap on your resume?

Me: That鈥檚 when I went to Yale...

HR: That鈥檚 impressive. You are hired.

Me: Thanks. I really need this Yob.


saf boosted
saf boosted

鈿狅笍 Confirmed: Live network data show a major internet outage on #Yemen's Houthi-controlled YemenNet telco; the incident has knocked the operator offline, leaving overall national connectivity at 33% of ordinary levels 馃搲

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saf boosted
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