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@Ciaraioch Home for Christmas on Netflix might be worth a look, if series are acceptable. It might come a bit short in the cheesy department, but at least guaranteed to be free of A-list celebrities.

@molly0xfff but of course, congrats!! This is huge!

@molly0xfff Is the theme of this list social media influencers, or is it just that this is the only crowd Forbes found it worthwhile talking about?

I'm trying to weight my words, but I feel like you could have deserved more... Diverse company. Surely our generation has other things to offer as well (?)

@megavolt @stavvers That would be what Kant proposes - he famously lashed out against giving money directly as selfish and unhelpful.

The salvation army is almost as problematic as it's name implies, but it's hard to argue against the utility of their soup kitchens.

There are a bunch of non-religious charities providing food and shelter. Many also work politically. Just make sure to read up in advance if giving to a larger one. Local soup kitchens often do wonderful jobs.

@karllouis @kathygriffin Sometimes things do get better. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union was remarkably peaceful. It's easy to point to reasons it went so well in retrospect, but few would have imagined such an ending in advance.

The history of the CCP does not inspire optimism, and comparing China to Soviet is almost as pointless as comparing Gorbachev to Xi.

That said, the situation is not bound to end awfully. But I'm afraid it is likely to.

@fredldotme @zygoon That's wonderful to hear - I'll throw in a donation for purely selfish reasons then :)


@zygoon @fredldotme Curious about this as well - any chance of Halium 7 ports? Or is this (probably) the end of the line for software updates for my Nexus 6p?

In either case, exciting stuff! @downey Of course - it's only useful if something breaks. Which is of course always unfortunate!

@yesmissmurphy "I used to be with it. Then they changed what "it" was; now what I'm with isn't it, and what it is seems new and scary to me."

The experience here is going to be different from any other social media. My impression is that it's a bit more personal here; then again I was never on Twitter.

I have no idea what you think you're bad at, but I guess I sympathise - I have another account with my real name on it, and I'm honestly not sure I'll ever dare to say a word there. @rvawonk I mean, breaking enigma was also pretty clever

@Linux @Eninic The thing is that updating from Xenial to Focal has been a huge effort for a small team, especially since a lot of dependencies were patched rather than upstreamed for Xenial. Focal will be more upstream, so the next update should hopefully be less demanding.

Everybody would love to be on 22.04 already, but doing a huge amount of work in a small team takes time. For now 20.04 will be huge.

For 22.04 sooner, contributions or donations help. :) @downey If you still have the ubports installer, it should be able to update the phone without deleting any of your data. :)

@old_baby @rvawonk Sometimes it's important to document things even when they're not surprising, even though it might not seem all too intuitive.

Take the current world championship in Quatar. Not a single person on planet earth with any knowledge of the situation is remotely surprised that FIFA is deeply corrupt and that infrastructure was built using modern day slavery. Still, we need to cover these things and to turn assumptions into knowledge. :)

Orwell: A Homage To Catalonia.
I read Down and Out in Paris and London some years ago, and figured I'd follow up with more autobiographical Orwell. This one is more journalistic than his other books, but it's a fantastic account for whoever is interested in that part of European history. I'm a political scientist , and learning A LOT about the politics of the war.
For Whom the Bell Tolls is probably a lighter read about the war though, and Down and Out is a more accessbile Orwell autobiography.

@matv1 @survey I'd furthermore argue that it's still a linux smartphone even if you install waydroid on it to meet your personal needs, but who am I. I even used Wine back in the 2000s.

@matv1 @survey I get where you're coming from. The thing is, I _need_ a communication device. I _want_ a FOSS communication device.

If I stopped using these services it would be a pain in the ass for everyone in my personal life wanting to keep in contact, and a significant challenge for my professional life.

Of course it's not ideal. But writing people off simply because they need their phones to to be able to communicate with people isn't ideal either. @mjgardner Worth noting that since the German authorities run their own instance, the webmaster who would have the insight to this information is a state employee. Which is probably preferable to any other platform where it would be played directly into the hands of foreign intelligence.

But I sincerely hope they have better safety protocols than communicating with DMs on social media...

@pkrugman Interesting! I guess rural areas, aka generally republican strongholds, also have greater distances/faster traffic, and possibly lower incomes/less safe cars.

Of course, greater distances should ideally have been a huge advantage during COVID, but we all know the GOP eliminated that advantage.

It wouldn't surprise me if republicans were less likely to wear seatbelts than their neighbour democrats, but I think we'd need better data to conclude on anything like that.

@brewsterkahle Lovely!

The theme of the Florentiner march is a conversation - the ligthter tones representing a Florentine lady talking non-stop, with her German companion just barely managing to sneak in a "ja-wohl" now and then (in darker tones).

In Italy, people from Florence (and women in particular) are known not to be particularly talkative - but next to the average German, even a reserved Italian would sound like the lady in this march!

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