@mntmn strange, but nxp produces these marvell chips
@mntmn I think imx only provides mac phy but radio on the soc is marvell
[ 14.136136] btmrvl_sdio mmc1:0001:2: sdio device tree data not available
[ 14.378465] mwifiex_sdio mmc1:0001:1: WLAN is not the winner! Skip FW dnld
[ 14.766218] mwifiex_sdio mmc1:0001:1: WLAN FW is active
[ 14.829237] mwifiex_sdio mmc1:0001:1: info: MWIFIEX VERSION: mwifiex 1.0 (16.68.1.p197)
[ 14.837651] mwifiex_sdio mmc1:0001:1: driver_version = mwifiex 1.0 (16.68.1.p197)
The box has both marvell and atheros, can say that atheros has better reception but marvell also ok
@mntmn Other than that - I have Marvell SDIO card but that has both BT and WIFI on SDIO
@mntmn I meant mpcie of course. Ok got it, means BT should be uart or sdio bcz there's no USB bus on MB. I think ralink rt3290 which I tried first on reform was with BT-over-pci, but I didn't like it and replaced with intel. That has bt on usb but I don't use bt much on reform.
@mntmn why not pci-e?
@dcz could it be a copycat from this? Or it's has more legs?
@malcircuit never used discord. But is it any better if forum is based on discourse? I mean same shit packaged in different wrapper. I think where you are leading to is we stop using "ready to consume" products and start _cooking_ at least a lil'bit (to prevent becoming products ourselves)
@SwiftOnSecurity luckily in Europe Santa is only known from US movies, so unfortunate but not disastrous circumstances
Strašně silná a důležitá slova studentů a studentek žurnalistiky. Jsou to právě jejich vrstevníci a mnohdy i kamarádi, kteří se stali terčem útoku.
Jsem rád, že apelují na etiku a kultivaci veřejného prostoru. Řada médií tragédii pokryla nešťastně. Jejich dopis podporuji.
@Lyude as a matter of fact. so please do document and opensource
@dcz when i was kid we were removing such balls from big (irrigation) water pumps
@SwiftOnSecurity @GossiTheDog it's the complexity versus business risk, multiplied by cost-saving on operations. I.e. by being a high-profile company you end up with
1. complex setup of the infrastructure (built by multiple siloed teams)
2. high profile apps/services with high visibility and criticality
3. ops saving leading to attrition of staff and hence eradication of knowledge
Net result - ops can never formulate proper risk profile hence never get approval from the busness for maintenance
@mntmn @pixx yes, there was a period when lunduke was driving marketing/communication and that was a period of a big chaos when people really started losing faith and there was a wave of refunds which purism was forced to manage in a... let say questionable manner (they changed ToC retrospectively or something like that). Even I started losing faith at some point but refund was not an option because there still was no comparable alternative to invest into. But in the end it was a happy end :)
@pixx @mntmn I was following one linux tablet campaign which in the end appeared to be a scam (they promised a revival of failed jolla tablet build) - luckily I was sitting on my hands before hitting a button when it all started looking as a scam. But this one is here
root@pureos:~# dmesg | grep Machine
[ 0.000000] Machine model: Purism Librem 5r4
@mntmn well, librem5 is almost mnt reform just with a smaller, non-openhw design, not fully modular chassis... and, eh... phone chassis (smaller screen, no keyboard and mouse). But with cellular modem. So _almost_ there.
@g @marcel_kolaja no zřejmě to všechno je utajeno a o tom se nesmí mluvit proto udělám si screenshot tohoto sdělení něž ho smažou!!
@marcel_kolaja Babiš podle mě je hodně zkorumpovaný a nechci ho ani v Česku ani v EU