Absolutely nobody knows what an XMPP address is, so just go ahead and call it a:

#XMPP #Conversations_im #Jabber

As #xmpp is the internet standard for chat, I'd go for chat address (or, in this case, chat ID) as we use #email address for email (not SMTP address, mutt address, k9 address and so on).

@martin @daniel since we're speaking of internet standards here, here are some quotes from rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6120#sec
... The term "bare JID" refers to an XMPP address of the form <localpart@domainpart> (for an account at a server) or of the form
<domainpart> (for a server).

The term "full JID" refers to an XMPP address of the for
<localpart@domainpart/resourcepart> ...

Yeah, that's what it says. We all know that, but Daniels question is about what should be used in the future as it seems the terms are not suitable anymore today.
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