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Hi ChatGPT, what's the size of my boot partition?

Beste makers van de Peugeot app, regelmatig verschijnt op mijn scherm een mogelijkheid om de app 'te ontdekken'. Ik ken de app inmiddels wel en kies daarom iedere keer voor de optie 'permanent verbergen'.

regelmatig - permanent
regelmatig - permanent
regelmatig - permanent

Beste fabrikant, een plaatje van een ritssluiting tekenen op de verpakking van vuilniszakken helpt niet om die verpakking makkelijk te verwijderen

Pinguin on the Rocks is playing a song by Audioslave. This morning they played one from Chris Cornell.

Makes me feel good, with some sadness sprinkled on top.

rik boosted

Starting today, ChatGPT and AI systems are no longer welcome as tools to write answers when helping people. Intentions are good, the results are not.

More info ๐Ÿ‘‡

Berichtje van een recruiter:
Hoi Rik, we zijn op zoek naar een .NET developer. Omdat iemand ooit gezegd heeft dat jij een .NET developer bent, lijk jij ons *de perfecte kandidaat*!

No, thank *you*! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
Nice work. I had already continued watching ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hi @shawnp0wers, I seem to have misplaced my links to videos 77 and higher...
Is it still possible to watch those?

For the record, certainly not all my friends moved here, only a couple ๐Ÿ˜Š
But I know them in real life, too. Which helps, I guess.

Furthermore, and this may just be me, I am more comfortable chatting here than over there. So I'm good.

@shawnp0wers I understand what you are saying.

For me, Mastodon/Twitter is very much a red pill / blue pill situation. I am glad with the increase on the former platform and I do not plan on tweeting anything anymore.

However (and I know this is easy for me to say), real friendships (even virtual ones) should not depend on a platform, I think.

Do I ask myself unnecessary questions and then answer them?
- Yeah, I guess I do

Er zijn netwerkkabeltesters van 2.000 en 3.000 euro, maar met deze tester van het Nederlandse / van nog geen zes tientjes heb ik snel een verbindingsprobleem in mijn netwerkkabel gelokaliseerd. Heel fijn, aangezien die kabel bijna 40 meter lang is en deels onder de grond zit

So here comes the geeky part: now when these lights have been turned off for 4 minutes (during the night), the automation will switch them on for 1 second and then switch them off again. This way the state is remembered and they will be in the 'on' state when somebody enters the room in the morning.


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You can select all sorts of blinking patterns for those lights, but we just want them to stay on. However, several minutes after they are turned off (I suspect 250 seconds) they revert to the default blinking state and we manually have to select the 'on' state again, which is quite annoying.


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What's your geekiest @homeassistant Christmas automation?

I have one that turns on the (non-smart) Christmas tree lights when the first motion is detected in the morning. Of course that's not my geekiest one!


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