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We had some rain today and it's not too cold. That's all.
I read some bad weather is expected in parts of the US. Hope you can enjoy the holidays!

rik boosted

Looking to get your hands on a Home Assistant SkyConnect? Pi Hut UK will put their batch up for sale tonight (UK time). It will be the last for this year with more coming in January.

Laten we het beperken tot de lengte van de periode tussen zonsopkomst en zonsondergang en stellen dat langer beter is ๐Ÿค“

Kortste dag vandaag! Yaay!
Nu wordt het alleen nog maar beter

It's beyond bedtime and I still haven't cleaned up my Christmas lights automation in Home Assistant ๐ŸŒ™

Oh and by the way, @shawnp0wers, you may find hard to produce at times, but try watching all of them when you are way behind! ๐Ÿ˜„

I just finished watching 'Day #45 - The IPMI Debacle' by @shawnp0wers and I think he has replaced Douglas Adams' rule of always bringing your towel by: "Always bring your keyboard". A memorable moment

Years ago I utterly disliked Twitter for not allowing image providers like TwitPic anymore. Their search used to be bad (but I haven't touched their client in years). And I have always disliked them for hampering third party clients.
People get worked up about Musk now... well, I stopped caring a long time ago

rik boosted

I'm curious if there is any sense of whether #mastodon has or is developing a generational identity?

Anecdotal or data-driven takes welcome, but as a start, indicate your #generation below and boost. Discussion of the assumptions behind this welcomed!

(I had to lump older generations in with boomers because evidently surveys are limited to four choices.) #generation #GenX #GenZ #millenials #Boomers

Somehow I think you need a third person in the middle. Ginger.

Bedankt voor je overstap (?) naar Mastodon, @MartinDeBoer!
Weer iemand hier die ik ken ๐Ÿ˜Š

Green hair rules!
Implicit statements about not agreeing with bad stuff also rule!

Matter: als grote bedrijven, die je niet vertrouwt, gaan samenwerken aan een universele standaard voor wat dan ook, dan moeten op alle niveaus alarmbellen afgaan

rik boosted


Did you notice that rather than on PC where you download a generic image which you can just live boot from USB, on ARM every distro needs to support every device individually? It's not just lacking mainline Linux support, it's also lacking a generic way to boot these devices like x86 has. #SPIflash can solve this perfectly by implementing UEFI on a dedicated chip but current new @PINE64 devices are lacking this. Let's get loud to make them add this again in new devices!

I find it utterly annoying that 'Refuse/decline all cookies' on most websites implies 'but please, do ask me again next time!'

Wil je echt dat jouw 'slimme' deurbel en 'slimme' assistent niet meer werken als er bij Amazon in Amerika iets uitvalt? Gebruik liever een lokaal systeem zoals @home_assistant

rik boosted

As reported by @derspiegel and @politico, Nextcloud has filed a complaint with the EU as well as the German anti-trust authorities over the behavior of Microsoft.

Find input from all the supporting organizations on our website

rik boosted

Please, don't panic: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been published on October 12, 1979.

Exactly 42 years ago ๐Ÿ™Š

Ineens had ik Red Box in mijn hoofd, een nummer van het album Picture Book van Simply Red... uit 1985. Wat een gaaf album is dat nog steeds!
Waar zijn de jaren gebleven en wat wordt er nu toch soms een rommel geproduceerd.

Als je het met me eens bent, boost dit dan niet :-)

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