Please don’t roast me too hard, but does anyone have an iPhone? And if yes, what mastodon client do you use?

@archtoasty gasp, did archtoasty go to the dark side? :o

@rae I still have my oneplus 3t but I got a free iPhone with my new phone plan. I am not a fan so far.

@archtoasty neither was i
what're your dislikes with it, so far?

@rae I have the xr, so no home button or fingerprint scanner only Face ID, which I didn’t even set up. This phone is like 3 years newer and technically 300$ more than my old one plus, but this only has 3gb of ram (one plus has 6) iPhone doesn’t even do full 1080, and they make up for it by scaling everything down. (3t has full 1080) the battery sucks with normal use and the camera is a lot worse than my old one plus. 16mp vs 12mp. At least it came in yellow 🤷🏻‍♂️

@archtoasty wow that sucks
a xr for free, though? couldn't you resell that?
my issues came down to performance, battery and freedom so i went back to my razer phone running lineage

@rae niccce! I was running lineage as well, such a great os. But I will probably just end up selling this donk.

@archtoasty i'd prefer to use the oneplus over that iphone, to be honest

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