White House win gives Trump a legal reprieve https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/11/06/world/white-house-win-legal-reprieve/ #worldnews #donaldtrump #us
Much as I'd love to be useful tonight/today (the timezone here in Japan doesn't help), I think this shall be my media diet for the next couple of days. Nothing like watching Taka & Yuji get the bad guys for a few days. #AbunaiDeka
米大統領選 日本時間今夜から投票 両候補が激戦州で最後の訴え
#www3_nhk_or_news #アメリカ大統領選 #トランプ前大統領 #ハリス副大統領 #アメリカ #アメリカ大統領選 #国際 #NHK #ニュース #NHK_NEWS_WEB
When your pre-addressed, postage-paid Mail-in Ballot envelope is missing the "City, ST ZIP##" line in the To: address...
Really, guys? I mean, never attribute to malice that which can be explained by a query error, but that one is dang disheartening, VA.
We reported it to my state's Dept of Elections, who said they are correcting the error. All this to say, it might be worth a second look if you're dropping your own ballot in the mail.
Do you know the Japanese for the constellations and planets? Learn the words and then head out to a field with your new vocabulary and a telescope for some stargazing. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2024/09/18/language/stargazing-japan-planets-constellations/ #life #language #nihongo #vocabulary #space #astronomy #planets
At the first-ever Onigiri Summit, the humble rice ball became a mirror held up to modern Japanese society. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2024/09/08/food-drink/onigiri-summit-rice-ball-japan/ #life #fooddrink #onigiri #riceball #tokyo
This is really important for understanding the source of right-wing libertarian/conservative covid + vaccine misinformation and dismantling of prevention measures we face in Western countries right now: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/stanford-university-will-host-a-conference-on-pandemic-planning-featuring-the-usual-covid-19-suspects/
Spent a chunk of the weekend trying to finish my application for rental privileges from a local video rental store.
Completed the online verification steps. Now I need to go in person at some point this week to present my passport, proof of address (e.g. water bill), and employment. Some time after that, if the government documentation gods smile upon me, I might actually get to rent a DVD. 😅
Tokaido Shinkansen services resumed Saturday, a day after operations between Tokyo and Nagoya were halted and trains between Nagoya and Shin-Osaka were severely curtailed by Typhoon Ampil. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/08/17/japan/typhoon-ampil-shinkansen-resume-saturday/ #japan #typhoons #typhoonampil #meteorologicalagency #obon #tohoku #kanto #izuislands #rail #shinkansen
Engineer living in Kanagawa-Ken, Japan. エンジニアで、神奈川県にすんでいます。