One Month After the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Volunteer Activities Began |NEWS WEB EASY
Though it frequently punches above my vocabulary and comprehension speed, #SPYxFAMILY is a terrific palate cleanser Netflix show that also offers some 日本語 practice.
The movie (Code: White) wasn't half bad for date night, either!
@idoubtit I mean sheesh, how many nighttime earthquakes do I need to be outdoors for before I finally see the light? #SuperSafeHobbies
@rjblaskiewicz I misread that question the first time, and probably need help.
A new language theory just drops, courtesy of @ZachWeinersmith .
I, for one, regret the days where sticks cost two rocks.
(checks news headlines and phone to make sure the following is still accurate as of this morning):
Negative. The infrastructure effects have been blessedly far outside my lane this far.
@fidalgo Been using them and Natively these days. Definitely appreciate their simplicity.
Halloween's a-comin', so here's something really scary: An asteroid that wasn't discovered until *after* it had already passed us.
(But we're working on a way to find these...)
Bonus: a classic but hard-to-find scifi doomsday movie you can watch online.
Had a great time at Pirates of Tokyo Bay improv comedy in Ebisu, Shibuya-ku! Check them out!
@rjblaskiewicz 言うまでもないね。
@idoubtit Keeping mine. Local authorities recognize the CDC logo a lot more readily than my residential State Health Dept's printout.
Engineer living in Kanagawa-Ken, Japan. エンジニアで、神奈川県にすんでいます。