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🎉 We're really excited to be fully rolling this out: As of today, our #Mastodon instance is fully open to all Medium members!

If you're a Medium member, read on to learn how to quickly and easily get your account up and running:

My wife and I went to Barnes and Noble in Brookfield, Wisconsin yesterday to get pictures of "Mastodon for Dummies." The staff person who helped us find the shelf had me sign the book. Afterwards she said she'd add an "Author signed" sticker to the cover. That was fun!

@EBernard I wrote a blog post about using Linux for academic work. I try to use the flatpak version of applications whenever possible, and TexStudio is available from Flathub and works great.

For more ideas:

New, from me: The Wisconsin state Supreme Court race may be the most important election this year. It will affect access to abortion in the state and possibly also the 2024 presidential election.
It may also be decided by a billionaire donor family that has been an aggressive funder of election deniers.

Back in 1996, I archived Prince's own first-person narrative of why he changed his name, which he briefly published on his website and then quickly pulled down. After his passing, I brought it back online for the first time in two decades.The long-lost "Message from The Artist":

"I was beyond frustrated with my lack of control over my career and music."

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R's S7 (formerly R7) new object-oriented paradigm is coming.

It's goal is to replace the lightweight and easy S3, and presently functional but slightly more complex S4 OOP systems with yet-another R OOP system that is intended to be the one encouraged for default use using moving forward.

You can start to learn how to use S7 here:

The working group is asking R Core for language changes (& providing patches) to enable better language integration.

Yet another sign that the footprint of the death penalty is shrinking. I thank Gov. Shapiro of Pennsylvania.

Here’s the first part of his statement today:

Today, I'm announcing I will not issue any execution warrants during my term as Governor.

When one comes to my desk, I will sign a reprieve every time — and I’m asking the General Assembly to send me a bill abolishing the death penalty in Pennsylvania once and for all…

#DeathPenalty #CapitalPunishment #Abolition

OMG! YES! I can finally announce that the one and only @wingo will be leading the Guile -> WASM compilation project we launched at @spritelyinst!

Note this is in addition to the compiler engineer we're hiring!

Wingo is not only Guile's maintainer, he's also a major contributor to some of the main javascript engines that power the web! There's nobody who could be more qualified to lead this effort!

@osc @nickchk I was just trying out Quarto Book and wow is it slick

Just got the genuinely nicest R&R reviews I think I've ever gotten. Thanks, anonymous reviewers!

Sendero Linux sells refurbished laptops pre-installed with @elementary OS. To celebrate the release of elementary 7, you can get 10% off all purchases with discount code HORUS, now through the end of March.

We ship within the US, and have free shipping on all laptop orders.

If you make websites for a living, know that you are *extremely likely* to be wealthier than the people on whose devices your code will run. This matters to *how* that code runs.

Let's say you're a webdev in the US, building for the US market exclusively. There's huge variability in cost of living across geos, but even so, Indeed shows a an average base salary for a webdev of ~$80K/yr:

Median* household* income, meanwhile, is closer to $70K/yr:

RT @Rainmaker1973
This is a detail of the right forearm of Michelangelo's Moses (c. 1513–1515). The blue circle highlights a small muscle called extensor digiti minimi, which only contracts when the little finger is lifted

[source, read more:]

Taking on monopolies is hard. To add to recent books we have these academic papers. The New Deal had effective response. What will be this century's?

Monopoly Month on SSRN – Part 1.

This month we are highlighting papers that examine a range of topics related to monopolies, including their regulation, specific cases and monopoly theory. We aim to showcase the latest papers on monopolies, as well as popular papers from earlier years.

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