@strypey You've sent me down quite a rabbit hole, apparently Dogma isn't available in the US on any streaming platform or even for purchase anywhere. And because of that I want to re-watch it even more now. I'm off on an adventure now to find it.
@strypey Oh wow, I had forgotten about that film. I might re-visit that one soon too now that you planted the idea.
A few days ago I wrote an uncharacteristically angry blog post about Mozilla and the state of the browser market.
I was going to just sit on it, but given the recent "news", I figure I might as well put it out there.
"Rallying behind an undeserving browser will not save the open web."
@trwnh contributes a tremendous amount to fediverse development. But like a lot of us, is not giving paid for most of it. Please consider chucking some coins their way;
If you can help with funding some of their work, please contact them
Ditch Credit Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide to Data Breaches https://neat.tube/videos/watch/6b64bb6b-dc42-43cc-be21-e4b1a5da7808
Lito, a self-taught Japanese artist who began creating intricate, hand-carved art on fallen leaves as a way to manage his ADHD. He carefully selects each leaf & carves whimsical patterns that often depict animals, objects & landscapes - transforming delicate leaves into complex scenes.
Art that captures the fleeting beauty of nature.
@Luigi311 @furilabs I know the website spec page does list the device dimensions, but it is in mm so no one in the US really knows what that means. See https://youtu.be/JYqfVE-fykk?feature=shared
@Luigi311 @furilabs This is such a great review. The only one thing I would add is that the device is *big*. Might be worth noting in the review as it wasn’t immediately clear to me just how large it is, bigger even than like iPhone 16 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy 24 Ultra. It’s not a bad thing but just so people know what they should expect
@exchgr The comments under their announcement post are amazing.
Helpful and thorough review of Kagi from @matt 📺
It covers domain ranking, lenses, viewing web archives with the @internetarchive's Wayback Machine, keyboard shortcuts, bang shortcuts, sorting search results, and an overview of the iOS app:
@kims huh I guess science doesn’t have a good explanation, except that we have few neurons processing the periphery vision and so the brain makes guesses about what is there and this pattern throws our brains off.
@kims wait how does that happen?
Ninio's extinction illusion. There are twelve black dots but they cannot all be seen at once
The brain is an amazing thing
[I don't love the job I did with the #alttext and am open to suggestions]
@kjhealy As far as I have seen, Dan Ariely's career has been unaffected by anything?
We are proud to announce that we have USA bands enabled!
t-mobile, mint and AT&T are confirmed to work with all the normal usages of calling, sms, mms, data, 3G, 4G and 5G. Verizon and others are in progress and will be released soon also.
“I am a stutterer. And the fact that I could do the voice of Darth Vader was a crowning glory.”
Farewell to James Earl Jones (1931-2024)
@Jeremiah I just recently discovered @AsteroidOS and one really cool feature is that they make it easy for people to make custom watchfaces. Seems like good fun.
Economist. Antitrust policy; industrial organization; history of economics