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Special shout-out today to the NYT who have apparently never covered a criminal trial before

Okay, Mastodon friends, I rarely ask for amplification about my day job, but I personally pushed for my employer to make a big investment in enabling the fediverse, and I'd love for everyone to show that the support is appreciated. On June 28, you can join us for a (FREE!) hands-on conversation about how the Fastly team worked to support @Mastodon while the service was under a *massive* DDOS attack. Everyone who cares about scaling the fediverse should join: @devs

Throughout the last several years, the Adriatic sea -- specifically the Istrian coastal region of Croatia -- has inspired my photographer's eye.

I collected my favorite shots and cropped them to 16:9. And now they're ready to be wallpaper on your PC.

Please help yourself:

#Wallpaper #Photography #Nature #Croatia

@m_clem I think we all know this but it is still nice to see it empirically shown. What I would really love to see is how this has changed over time. This paper uses data from only a few years in early 2000s but it would be fascinating to see a study like this over a longer time period.

“Adviser connectedness and placement outcomes in the economics job market”

New by Rose & Shekhar —> #econjobmarket #econtwitter

Twitter learned, and Reddit is fast learning, that people are not addicted to the platform, they’re addicted to the community they found there. Ruin the community, and people will leave the platform. It really is that simple.

JOB OPPORTUNITY! I'm hiring again.

I need a historian to help Colonial Williamsburg with its website, web strategy, and blog content, who can also help us vet the accuracy of our content. The role will also bring someone in the ground floor as we re-imagine the museum for the digital age as we are building the world's largest virtual museum about early American history.

Salary Range: $60K-$70K.

Let me know if you have questions.

My dad is talking about buying tickets for his church fundraiser, a raffle where the prize is a basket of lottery tickets of uncertain face value, and now I’m having flashbacks to first-year micro

24 hours of Earth's rotation, with the camera locked to the sky instead of the ground. We're all hanging out on this spinning rock.
Brilliant video by Bartosz Wojczyński. #nature #wonder #earth

I wrote about how Reddit’s years of making users responsible for content creation, moderation, and product development came back to haunt it today.

@gamingonlinux UPDATE: Halls of Torment DOES work through the Steam flatpak!

I'm not sure what a good life in software is, but I'd start with:

- Make things that are good for everyone
- Build for the least among us
- Maintain more than you displace
- Your impact is never the sum of your personal efforts, so make others better

State Dept official: Western exports of microchips/electronics to Russia are back to pre-invasion levels

European companies sell to companies in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, the UAE and Armenia, which then turn around and sell the items to Russia

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So yeah, thanks @scott, this is very cool...

Electric bicycles (and trikes) are displacing more barrels of oil than all other electric vehicles... combined. >>>

Check out @ClimateMigration for more #climate and #ClimateScience

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Librem Social

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