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I'm riding 130km to raise money for MS Queensland tomorrow. I'm only just short of $3000 raised. Please put in a little more and help me get over the line

Scotsman walks into a bar in Canada, and there’s a huge stuffed head on the wall.

‘What’s that?' He asks.

‘It’s a moose', comes the reply.

"Christ! How big are the cats around here?"

I learned so many neat things about #GNOME, #FlatHub and #endless in this interview with @BrodieOnLinux and @ramcq

I'd love to see more OSS developers linking up with content creators and telling their stories, there's so much to learn from in this interview!

A while back, I stumbled upon a file I consider the largest piece of evidence revealing how hundreds of data brokers trade personal data on everyone, including super-sensitive data, globally.

Massive investigation by US-based @themarkup and German @netzpolitik_feed, I think this is a must-read for everyone interested in the future of digital technology:

PSA, if someone asks you for contact info (e.g. a phone number) of someone you know, the correct response is "I can't give that to you, but I can give them yours".

It's efficient and adds no round-trips, it's privacy friendly, it's non-awkward and it's social engineering resistant. It's a universally good rule.

And the corollary, of course: Don't ask someone for another person's contact info - ask them to pass on yours.

It's election time! The @gnome Foundation is seeking candidates for our board of directors election this summer.

I'm interested in candidates who bring experience from other nonprofits, volunteer / community management, fundraising or advocacy.

I'd love suggestions for candidates we should approach, and am happy to speak to any prospective candidates about what's involved.

You can find election details at and about how the board works at

Today I was on NPR Marketplace talking about Prince's decision (30 years ago today!) to change his name to an unpronounceable symbol on his 35th birthday. I tried to get to the cultural & political context. (at 5:30)

5) During this work, we discovered the scanning for known CSAM was broken on Twitter. We notified them and it got fixed.

6) Due to this work, Instagram discovered that their system for accounts being reported for child exploitation was broken and that tickets were being closed without resolution. That has been fixed.

7) Instagram has started taking down thousands of accounts related to this work.

8) We will be encouraging a cross-platform collaboration on SG-CSAM via the Tech Coalition.

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I need to thank my incredible colleagues and co-authors, @det and @Noupside, and our Stanford colleagues (and bosses) Professors Jeff Hancock and Nate Persily for their support in doing this kind of difficult research.

We have built a bunch of systems to reduce the risks of doing child safety work in academia, including CSAM detection across our entire intake pipeline. We are happy to share these with other academic groups. I'm at

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@Em0nM4stodon I wish that when people discuss pros and cons of Signal, they mentioned that there is absolutely no backup option on iOS. Lots of iOS users get burned when they lose their phone or accidentally uninstall the app and find messages with loved ones are completely gone. If reviewers would mention this, fewer people would get burned by the issue.

You could add to this post itself that Signal is not a good option for iOS users who care about preserving their messaging history.

ICYMI: I wrote about Chris Licht - and a pervasive worldview among self-proclaimed “moderate” elites that always naturalizes existing power relations and only accepts the status quo as reasonable.

The Status-Quo Fundamentalism of the “Moderate” Arbiters of Reason:

Good morning~ ✨

I hear Apple released a bunch of new machines... but no new chips for Macs, so getting the GPU driver to work on everything should hopefully be easy! ^^

Twitter is the fourth most hated brand in the US after Fox News, FTX and the Trump Organization. A truly impressive degree of brand destruction in less than a year.

In my first story for Texas Monthly, I wrote about @paul and @mark, founders of @tapbots, whose livelihoods were threatened when Twitter unceremoniously revoked their app Tweetbot. Now, they’re betting their futures on their latest creation @ivory, a third-party client for @Mastodon.

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