I have a sincere question for @theprivacyfoundation and the #privacy community. The DOJ announced it's investigating Senator Richard Burr, who sold off $1.7m in stock before the coronavirus crash, while assuring the public it was under control. His brother-in-law sold off too. Search warrants were used to collect data from his iCould account and cell phone. With encryption, it would be hard to investigate this case. Privacy makes it harder to root out corruption. What's the response?
@theprivacyfoundation Relatedly, last year Chris Cox left Facebook over Zuckerberg's pivot to encryption. Cox thought encryption made it harder to filter out fake news, hate speech, detect human trafficking. If Cox had won and Facebook had not pivoted to encryption, and Facebook's tools would not be able to be used for human trafficking, wouldn't we be in a better world?
@theprivacyfoundation Thanks for the reply, this is a really interesting point. I'm very sympathetic to increasing privacy, and these are great responses to some of the anti-privacy arguments I've heard.