moonwalk34 boosted

License plate 

moonwalk34 boosted

Adding a 2.5" hard drive to an HP T620 thin client using the unpopulated mSATA connector and tapping 5V off one of the internal USB ports was just... *chef kiss* my brand of nonsense.

moonwalk34 boosted

lol, a way to bypass the Microsoft account requirement in Windows 11 - type username, any password, and it bumps you to local account creation.

moonwalk34 boosted
moonwalk34 boosted

<Actual Recruiter call>
Recruiter: Do you know assembly language?
Me: Yes, I do, but which one are you interested in?
Recruiter: There's more than one?
Me: Yes, dozens. 6502, Z-80, ARM 64, which one?
Recruiter: Uh, assembly?
Me: <Kill me now>

moonwalk34 boosted

Q: "I want to get into a #cybersecurity #career. How should I start."
A: "Go to school and get a degree in cybersecurity or computer science"

Q: "I spent 4 years and $60,000 to get a degree but companies won't hire me. How can I get a job in cybersecurity?"
A: "Degrees don't mean anything, half of us don't have degrees. You should get a cert."

Q: "I have my degree and spent 6 months and $8,000 to get a certification but companies still won't hire me. How can I get a job in cybersecurity?"
A. "Certs only prove you passed a test. You need to get some experience. You should build a home lab and do independent learning."

Q: "I have my degree, a certification and just spent 6 months and a few thousand dollars building out and learning technology in my home lab but companies still won't hire me. How can I get a job in cybersecurity?"
A: "Well you need on the job experience, you should find an internship. It'll probably pay very little but you gotta pay your dues."

Q: "Are you f'ing kidding me?"

This is literally what we put people through to when they want to join our industry. Now do you wonder why they aren't showing that "passion" you expect? Why perhaps they're skeptical of the next thing you tell them they need to do to get a job? Stop telling the job seekers they're the problem. Start looking at how you hire and see that hiring practices and workforce management are the problem.

moonwalk34 boosted

Shout out to the underrated hacker power couple, Razor and Blade.

moonwalk34 boosted
moonwalk34 boosted
moonwalk34 boosted

Hey #cyberpunks and my #occult peeps, if the sky above your port is the color of a television, tuned to a dead channel, flip that switch and jack into @thegibson

moonwalk34 boosted

FOSS bros: If you don't like something on Linux, you can just use a distro that has what you want! Problem solved!!

Me: Is there even a single distro that has usable scroll bars?

FOSS bros: If you don't like something on Linux, you can just write an entire window manager from scratch and—

moonwalk34 boosted

Quick poll for research project:

Do you use Mastodon as a web app on your computer or as a mobile app?

moonwalk34 boosted

Microsoft seeing people use their products with the default settings they ship to customers

moonwalk34 boosted

A corollary to rule 34: If it exists, there is wiki of it. No exceptions.

moonwalk34 boosted
moonwalk34 boosted
moonwalk34 boosted

*my kid sees a terminal on a windows computer*

"Wow, check out this weird OS; it uses the dwarf fortress font!"

moonwalk34 boosted
@zhuowei No, but 0. is a valid domain (which, Gods willing, IANA/PTI will never allocate) so a subdom like www.0. can work.
moonwalk34 boosted

I haven't done enough makerspace posting.

Hi I'm Andrew. you might now me as or possibly or or lots of other places.

I run the Ellijay Makerspace. We're a makerspace in Ellijay, GA that specializes in Media Production, but can do a lot of other stuff.

We've got Television production, a full recording studio, toy making, video games, and lots of other stuff.

moonwalk34 boosted

Hey look at me (a baby hacker) giving security advice to an open source project... :blobsunglasses:

(Consisted mainly of don't fucking connect it to the internet unless you absolutely fucking have to and don't fucking use wireless unless you absolutely fucking have to... in other words, don't fucking implement unnecessary features with more fucking risks than fucking benefits... baby steps! But fucking important ones!)

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