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In contrast to the most thoughtful thing ever of integrating shell and package manager into the REPL, 's error messages are just poorly formatted nonsense garbage, at least to someone who doesn't know the language.

McSinyx boosted

tonight the @mobian developers @devrtz and undef have reviewed the source code and packaging of wake-mobile which can serve as a stopgap alarm clock capable of waking up a suspended phone.

We'll try to make it available for mobian shortly.

McSinyx boosted

If the EFF says "...reject FLoC and other misguided attempts to reinvent behavioral targeting. We implore Google to abandon FLoC..." that's good enough for me.

Just noticed that @debian source search even support searching for ctags:

Many useful. Much wow.

Welcome to , where you no longer have to play hide and seek with symbols!

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McSinyx boosted

My birdsite timeline lately: Facebook employees and NFT people delivering sick burns against each other over who's doing a better job destroying the world.

McSinyx boosted


Video calls on the #PinePhone! You can now hold a video conference call using Matrix in Firefox.

Article (in German): marius.bloggt-in-braunschweig.


McSinyx boosted
McSinyx boosted

Seeing your patch merged to and deployed within a few minutes feels empowering!

McSinyx boosted

TIL: many #pascal compilers allowed identifiers of any length, but only examined the first 8 characters to determine what the identifier pointed at.

So `foobarbaz` and `foobarbazqux` are both valid, but refer to the **same** variable!

What I _didn't_ learn was why anyone thought this was a good idea. I assume it was for performance reasons, since Free Pascal doesn't do it anymore ( and 8 makes me guess it has something to do with memory representation.

Anyone know?

McSinyx boosted

Privacy-focused, not-for-profit DNS provider Quad9 moved HQ from L.A. to Zürich.

The Swiss government produced findings of law that Quad9 is exempt from both law enforcement and intelligence data-collection and retention requirements, as well as KYC.

Still funded by sponsors an ddonations :

Use as your Name Server.

Public comparisons :!dns-resolvers

#DNS #Quad9 #Privacy #Switzerland

McSinyx boosted


Wrote a short guide on how not to lose your encrypted messages on as I think this topic isn't easily understood, especially by new users.
Any feedback is appreciated.


McSinyx boosted
@Sumana Harihareswara nice😃
I think to get open source healthy we need more people using open source services. Therefore they would need to know about them. And there needs to be good content, so people stay with the open source service and spread the word.
But on that closed source github site there is only your twitter and not your mastadon account. Maybe the talk could also be streamed with open source services like @PeerTube or #owncast.😃
McSinyx boosted

I missed this post when it came out in December: In Defense of Blub Studies,

Some really excellent points:

> Blub studies is a never-ending treadmill of engineering know-how. It’s the fiddly technical details of how Git stores data, or how Postgres locking semantics [work], or why pip install failed this time.…Blub studies is more generalizable than it seems, and has its own way of compounding over time, too. That makes it a lot more useful than you’d expect

McSinyx boosted

According to the FTC, Zoom lied to users about end-to-end encryption for years. This is one of the obvious perils of nonfree software: you can't verify that the software isn't abusing you, you just have to take their word.
Zoom lied to users about end-to-end encryption for years, FTC says

At this point I'm confident to say that my weirdness is totally at the normal level by popular culture standard:

McSinyx boosted

1/ I just published a massive article called "Recovering Our Lost Free Will Online: Tools and Techniques That Are Available Now"

I will summarize some key points in this thread, but please do check out the article.

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