> Your documents has been safely arrived to [...] and it is currently under review.
In modern days sending important stuff via post still have a certain taste of excitement to it.
Thanks @huy_ngo, that sounds like a good idea. Let me see.
So @huy_ngo, apparently it is not possible since the department to administrate the sessions (and thus I suppose they would prefer a platform they are familiar with).
On the bright side, my interviewer/potential future mentor is beyond my expectation: sending me a plain text email and using Vim and Emacs as first examples for editors. Plus the topic is filled with libre materials. I want this badly!
@cnx why AMD64 asm?
@xarvos, because lower-level/system programming tutorial just casually show asm as if everyone can read it, so I start to think I am the problem.
I’m half way through the alphabet (not the asm one) and I can now read @emersion profile pic (and yes it sounds like Simon in French, one need not knows Hangul to guess that).
BTW Simon Ser, since I already mention you, do you have any recommendation for learning Korean? Preferably not in French, which I can barely understand now (my teachers must be really disappointed to hear this)-;
4 months later and I still don’t know jack shit of neither. On the bright side I can now kinda sorta type hangul to look things up thanks to this cool game.
> Due to COVID-19 the interview will be held online through ZOOM.
Can't say I'm entirely happy about this.