@huy_ngo, you can pay via *cute pictures of the locals* as well: https://sourcehut.org/blog/2021-04-15-whats-cooking-april-2021/#general-news
Jokes aside payment is negotiable: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss/%3C32e85430-b650-4774-ad14-00688e473c5b%40benaaron.dev%3E#%3CCAPBPRLIDZ90.1PE0H9O7X3DLQ@taiga%3E
From the billing FAQ (https://man.sr.ht/billing-faq.md),
> Part of the fees from paid accounts are used to subsidize users who aren't able to pay.
> you can pay via *cute pictures of the locals* as well
That takes PWYW to a new level