Bryan Lunduke is raising a lot of wisdom here in this video, about his predictions for the free software world in the next yew years. Sadly, I agree with him. I'm very concerned about all the divisions and "civil wars" happening.
Typo: "yew" should be "few". Sorry.
Honestly? I wish people would chill the fuck out. Write free software! Install it on people's computers. Just write code. Keep writing software, and just try to be nice to each other. This is a highly controversial opinion to have these days.
Just write the fucking code.
@libreleah, @anonymoose was prolly punning on *install it on people's computers*.
@mcsinyx @anonymoose well, i have no strong opinion one way or the other about malware. for purely scientific study, it can be fun but they are programs that no sane person would ever run willingly
i would suggest you don't write or install malware. except for purposes of education and scientific study, like in the xkcd comic