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mcneely boosted

I want to recommend @kathleenbelew, whose commentary, especially in the wake of the Oath Keeper indictment, is really important.

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mcneely boosted

Today America took a step forward in recognizing and protecting the rights of the LGBT community. We still have a long way to go as a country to recognize everyone's basic rights but this is a positive step forward. It was only 7 years ago that SCOTUS ruled in Obergefell v Hodges in a 5-4 decision.

Senate passes same-sex marriage protections - POLITICO

mcneely boosted

I often am asked by people fleeing anti-trans states, "where should I move to?"

I created the anti-trans legislative risk map to help answer that question.

I am releasing my first post-election legislative risk map today. Subscribe to support my work.

Going forward I think I'll be trying to limit myself to favoriting the types of posts that I agree with instead of boosting them. That's an acknowledgement that doesn't spread them further which feels appropriate to me. My goal here is to be more conscious about what I am promoting here in the .

One exception that I expect to make for this: support for marginalized communities. Human dignity should not be negotiable and neither should our support.

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I saw a post from the other day that I can't get out of my head. It was a request to stop boosting vague platitudes into their feed (you know the type, "boost if X", "billionaires are policy failures" etc). Originally I thought this was a silly attitude, but lately I've been thinking about the way in which the posts are often a form of digital grandstanding and often a way of racking up interactions on algorithmic social media. This action is a vestige of other environs we've been trained on.

mcneely boosted

I've collected some #Mastodon 🦣 #instances to help with the #TwitterMigration focused in #inclusion, #accesibility and #minorities. They look like safe spaces for most of us. I'd appreciate the boost and new recommendations to add to the list:

🔗🇬🇧 - space to fight ableism
🔗🇬🇧 - for disabled people
🔗🇬🇧 - neurodiversity and neurominorities
🔗🇬🇧 - interest in assistive technology
🔗🇬🇧 - history and voices for black people
🔗🇬🇧 - for LGBT+ and allies
🔗🇬🇧 - queer-oriented instance
🔗🇬🇧 - for tech workers, academics, students, and others interested in tech who are LGBTQIA+ or Allies

Please boost to reach more people!


mcneely boosted

“Setting up a screen reader testing environment on your computer”

Goes into far more detail than I did in my post earlier this month (which now links to this one). Particularly useful for macOS-only users. #a11y

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Hi everyone! Like many of us, I’m new here but I look forward to connecting! I’m a professor of Black and African Diaspora History at Rutgers University and I specialize in the 18th and 19th centuries. My newest book, Fear of a Black Republic is now available!

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How much public space we've surrendered to cars (Swedish artist Karl Jilg)

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"This is overlooked by Mastodonians who argue that the influx of new users will bring changes to the platforms. If you have an influx of new users and then you punish them for being themselves or trying to figure out ways to be themselves on the platform, then you will disincentivize users from recommending transformation or changes in the platform, even in open source platforms. They simply will not want to engage."

Dr Jonathan Flowers


mcneely boosted

Yearly reminder to not give money to the Salvation Army. It is not a charity, it's a fundamentalist Christian organization that supports anti-queer policies. Support mutual aid resources instead.


mcneely boosted

Normalize Black people coming to this app being safe to speak their minds. What we bring up might abut internal discomfort and biases that you might hold. That is not the minoritized person’s responsibility, though, to educate you, coddle you, to do the work for you. It is your responsibility to not create yet another space where Black people are marginalized or silenced.
I’ve been calculated about bringing this up and now is the time.💖✊🏽
#Black #BlackPride #Minoritized #Responsibility #unity

Ok so if I understand Final Fantasy 9 Zidane is basically part Kwisatz Haderach part Reaper?

By virtue of our choice to be here we know just enough to be dangerous with our decisions. I think almost everyone can relate to knowing enough about how a system works to make changes even if we don't fully understand the impact of our changes.

Before making grand investments we should probably stop and take a thorough inventory of how we got to this location, what's been done before, and the impact our actions will have.

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Second now that so many of us are here we're gonna start building and iterating on what exists today. It would be beneficial to look at previous efforts and see what we can learn from them.

What constraints produced the Fediverse we've inherited?

What can we do to make it better?

What business approaches were tried before to monetize social networking built on open protocols?

How have communities shaped technical choices and how have they directed development efforts?

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First I just think it's really important to acknowledge the hard work that has already been done by people for years, often with little recognition on shoestring budgets. While most of us were using and working on closed, centralized, alternatives these folks kept working on keeping the original dream of the internet alive. Personally I think we owe them a debt of gratitude, the least we can do is remember their work. The literally wouldn't be here today without their contributions.

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I'm probably always going to boost posts about the history of the if only because it's the intersection of several of my interests but I also think it's important to acknowledge the earlier efforts of decentralization.

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