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mcneely boosted
mcneely boosted

Help me find more #BIPoC Accounts, for me, for you, for everyone on #Mastodon

If you're #black #indigenous or #peopleofcolor feel free to comment, if you like you can comment who you are and/or what you do, so other people can follow you more easily

I will report everyone who dares to comment something hateful or attacks anyone here

Please boost :blobfoxheartcute: :boost_ok:

mcneely boosted

If you’re in the US, please vote. These midterm elections are extremely important.

mcneely boosted

It just occurred to me why Mastodon works so well for social media in the public square.

It's nothing technical. It's moderation. And the incentives of the moderators.

Community moderators keep out the kinds of people that their communities don't want around.

Professional moderators keep out the kinds of people their employers (usually advertisers) don't want around.

That difference is ✨Enormous✨ !

So everyone go hug your instance moderators today. 🤗

mcneely boosted
mcneely boosted


Hey #VastEarlyAmerica, apps for the OI-Fort Ticonderoga Fellowships are open! Scholars with strong interests in early America, broadly understood to mean the Atlantic World in the years between roughly 1450 and 1820, are encouraged to apply.


mcneely boosted

I know this is not a new thought for any/every parent, but: One of my favorite things about being a parent is introducing my kids to the things about life that I love, while also watching them discover some of those very things on their own.

The feeling never gets old.

This DOJ press release is a pretty big deal. Given the alarming number of voter intimidation attempts already it's certainly the right move but it's sad that it's necessary.

mcneely boosted

BREAKING NEWS: In what I believe is the most widespread election monitoring effort it has ever undertaken, the DOJ Civil Rights Division just announced that it will have officials in the field monitoring the polls in 24 STATES on Election Day. This is huge. This is the DOJ being true to its mission. You can find the list of jurisdictions that will be monitored here:

mcneely boosted

Kudos to the #Netherlands.

"Dutch universities published 82% of their peer-reviewed scientific publications #OpenAccess in 2021. This is an increase of nine percentage points compared to 2020."

Eventually a more "closed down" fork/spin of Mastodon will emerge that major orgs will run. The communication needs of those orgs just won't match up exactly with small community servers that Mastodon envisions itself as.

mcneely boosted

(Well-funded) Universities should run *open* #Fediverse, and currently specifically #Mastodon, instances. They have the resources (knowledge and hardware), they're non-profit, are largely independent, and to do so aligns with their educational mandate. Same for #Wikipedia, IMO.

mcneely boosted

Expect some of the following to happen in the coming weeks:

- celebrities with huge follower counts pushing tiny community-run servers to their knees

- instance admin burnout; shutting down of servers

- big new servers that don't "vibe" with common rules or culture being widely defederated

- some notable account violating an instance code of conduct and throwing a fit

- lots of people ragequitting Mastodon for one reason or another

- etc.

It'll be a rough ride. Patience and strength, all.

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mcneely boosted

I see a lot of people talking about how Mastodon "Feels like the Internet I remember from 20 years ago."

That's no accident. That's Federation. That's UseNet, IRC, Email, Message Boards, etc. What do they all have in common?

Federation: Users congregating around watering holes of common interest, but still being a part of a larger whole.


mcneely boosted

It's actually pretty amazing that a open source product developed by a tiny non-profit, running on a network of servers self-funded by volunteer administrator and moderators has managed to absorb some portion of one of the world's largest for-profit social networks.

It's a miracle the whole thing didn't collapse or catch fire.

Great job everyone.

mcneely boosted

Morning folks. Nobody knows what’s gonna happen. Only thing left to do is make some calls and knock some doors for some of the dozens of winnable tossup races.

mcneely boosted

Lots of Mastodon instances are struggling with the heavy influx of users. Twitter was the same in the early days. The Fail Whale, was something you’d see on a regular basis. Gives it a chance, things will get better.

mcneely boosted

I plunged in here & just realized that I need to introduce myself. So:


I'm a political historian whose work centers on the American founding, political culture, & political violence. My last book--The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress & the Road to Civil War--is FAR too topical these days. Joy.

I'll be tooting (tooting? really?) re: the culture of politics, the makings of democracy, US history, & occasionally, about my History Bird, @historynewbie

#histodons #introduction


mcneely boosted

suggestion: hashtags are important here. please use “Camel Case” so screen readers understand what the words are and can pronounce them properly. example:

#DogsOfMastodon not #dogsofmastodon

make sense??

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