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marc0s boosted

Just read a stupid discussion between some English folks saying that it isn't possible to have more than one mother tongues. My son has 2 mother tongues (Basque and Spanish) and that's very common in bilingual places.

marc0s boosted


El argumento de invadir #Afganistan para “luchar contra el terror” queda ahora a la altura de las armas de destrucción masivas de #Irak


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The "good" thing of being able to speak and read many languages is that I can see that the hate to minority/native languages is widespread in this fucking world, everywhere, and is commonly fueled by people that only speak and understand a single language.

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#EmacsConf 2020 recordings are now live! Check them out, and make a party out of it by playing them inside of Emacs, while wearing your Emacs shirt, while drinking your favorite beverage from an Emacs mug. It's #Emacs all the way down!

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"Ningún gobierno lucha en contra del fascismo para destruirlo. Cuando la burguesía ve que el poder se les escapa de sus manos, alzan el fascismo para mantener sus privilegios"José Buenaventura Durruti Dumange (León, España, 14 de julio de 1896 – Madrid, España, 20 de noviembre de 1936) #anarchism

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marc0s boosted


Looking for a job where you can work with #XMPP?

Or perhaps you're looking to employ someone with XMPP skills?

Looking for XMPP service providers?

We've got you covered at!

Check out


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@Benetako_Arkatiur I'm the main dev of SàT. It is not yet on F-Droid because the Android version was, so far, not stable enough, I''ve made improvment on that and will most probably propose it to F-Droid for the next release (0.8), which I hope to do in a couple of weeks.

#salutatoi #xmpp

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We launched the project today, and it has been great talking to lots of supportive people at #FOSDEM! If you didn't find us yet, we'll be at the Realtime Lounge in K building again tomorrow!

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History time: LibreOffice is a successor to OpenOffice(.org) and StarOffice before that! We have new major releases every six months, bringing important new features, security updates and compatibility improvements.

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Diu la web de l'idCAT:

"La renovació de certificats amb Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome i Microsoft Edge està temporalment fora de servei.

Si us plau, recomanem renovar el seu certificat mitjançant l'Internet Explorer.

Recomanacions per a la descàrrega en cas de disposar de windows 10"


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This will block all Google services - GMail, YouTube, Google Play, ads, tracking and so on, both good and bad. It's worth noting that any sites that depend on Google to serve their content most likely will break, or at a minimum not function properly.

It works by adding all the downloaded Google IP ranges to the routing table, which get routed to localhost..


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marc0s boosted

Has anyone I know tried this non-Google ReCAPTCHA alternative, ReMAPCHA? - it appears to ask people to do things that will improve the quality of OpenStreetMaps data... I like the sound of that! Perhaps NZ Gov't could use this instead of Google's service (which is used to train Google's AI, but is quite US-centric).

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marc0s boosted


Movim is the first #XMPP client that supports message reactions! 🎉 Fully federated, open source, fast and easy to use. Movim is the perfect alternative for Slack, Discord or Skype. Try out all the new Movim features on .


’s attorney general just sent out a letter to the prosecutors stating that ‘incitement to hartred’ against members of the community (!) shall also be considered a hate crime. Paving the way to criminalization via

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