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M’encanta que cada institució pugui prendre les regnes de les seves pròpies comunicacions establint un servidor de #mastodon que a més a més permet i facilita l’accés a tothom via el protocol del #fediverse. Un model tan extraordinari com revolucionari. Per exemple, el govern de la Unió Europea.


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To help new #federati fill their timeliene, I will continue to almost immediately follow back when you follow me. HOWEVER - only when you have profile picture and at least one short sentence in your bio. Deal? :) !t

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Aquesta és la quantitat d'usuaris nous per dia a
L'onada va començar divendres passat dia 28 d'octubre amb 33 usuaris nous, avui ja portem 30 i, efectivament, ahir té el record amb 140!

#segona #onada #ElonMusk

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@bobjonkman @atomicpoet @rysiek

Which is why I love the concept of instances, not just as redundant nodes in a network, but as non-homogeneous micro communities with different rules and values. This way it's technically possible to have shared communities within Dunbars number, who can still have rules that match their needs, unlike a platform made for a giant monoculture.

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Hey Twitter employees getting laid off tomorrow! IMPORTANT INFO from a CA employment attorney (me):

CA's "WARN" law requires Twitter to give you 60 days notice of a massive layoff.

A layoff of 50+ employees within a 30 day period qualifies.

I know you didn't get that notice.


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marc0s boosted

By popular request: here's the little Python script I used to find possible fun three-part domain names in Moby Dick (or any very long text file)

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some more beautiful instance names extracted from moby dick:

and all of those domains are currently available for registration!!

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i wrote a little script to extract three word phrases from moby dick where the third word is a tld, and i've found some delightful possible instance names in here

Esperarem a migrar, a veure si es pot fer automàticament. Si no, tocarà exportar CSV, importar CSV i configurar la redirecció...

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La digitalització del sistema educatiu és un gran negoci per a gegants tecnològics com Google i Microsoft, a més d'agreujar la bretxa social entre l’alumnat.

hey @purism I'm trying to move this account to my own server and I'm having troubles. I already set up an alias to this account in my new one, but something's not working. Reading some mastodon issues, seems to be some problem regarding some cache. Can you help me with this? Thanks!

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marc0s boosted

Qué guay es el jefe nuevo de twitter, que el primer día despidió a cuatro jefes .... y que mañana pretende despedir al 50% de la plantilla. Esto en España se llama ERE y los que trabajéis en estáis tardando en afiliaros y organizaros

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