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"El problema con el mundo es que la gente inteligente está llena de dudas, mientras que la gente estúpida está llena de certezas."

̣· Charles Bukowski ·

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Trouvé sur Reddit :

"Voter, c'est la version adulte de la lettre au père Noël. "

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Donestech: O workshop ‘Hackeando o patriarcado’ celebrará o 18 de novembro

Sobirania tecnològica, Violències i tecnologies

A Cátedra de Feminismos 4.0, impulsada pola Deputación de Pontevedra a a Universidade de Vigo, celebrará o próximo 18 de novembro a terceira edición do workshop “Sociedade dixital e...

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Libera tu radio, software libre para radios libres

(Auto) Inclusió Tic, Hackers, Artístiques, Sobirania tecnològica

Libera tu radio, software libre para radios libres. ¿Quieres comenzar una nueva radio con tecnologías libres y no sabes como? En libera tu radio encontrarás capacitaciones,...

Any recommendation on a laptop? I'm looking for something under 1500€ For development purposes. 100% Linux-compatible. Buying from Europe.

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Today is Aaron Swartz birthday. Because of him, we have Creative Commons (development), Reddit (co-founder),, Open Library, DeadDrop, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Demand Progress (co-founder), ThoughtWorks, and Tor2web.

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Wow, that sounds amazing! 25k clients going to run @libreoffice (and Linux?) in the government of Schleswig-Holstein? This sounds too good to be true.
#publicmoneypubliccode @fsfe

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If you're not American, ask yourself:

If America has a second Civil War - for example, if the Qanon Republicans pull another Jan 6 but this time it works - which faction will end up controlling Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure?

Do you want to bet your entire country's economy and data privacy on American Cloud systems always being operated by a friendly nation? Or even always a "not actually currently in a shooting war with us" nation?

Ten years from now? Twenty years from now?

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Getarian ateratako argazki txukuna, txakolinetarako mahasti eta guzti.

Iturria: basqueforce

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Centralised messenger Signal has just announced that they are making part of their server software closed source. They claim it is to fight spam, but by using closed source they make it impossible for outsiders to verify the truth. This is worrying.

We really, really need a fully open, decentralised alternative to Signal.

There are several alternatives being developed, please support them:

➡️ @snikket_im

➡️ @xmpp

➡️ @matrix

➡️ @delta

➡️ @briar

➡️ @Jami

#Signal #Alternatives #Privacy

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There is nothing in IT support more time consuming and utterly tedious as printers.

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The #XMPP Newsletter for September 2021 is out!

Sorry for the delay 🙁
News about fiscal hosting by the XSF, #Converse, #Libervia, #Mellium and much more!

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

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I'm gonna keep posting this until one of you fucking boosts it

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