RT @GuerraDeClases@twitter.com
Se ha roto Matrix y la diputada @Yolanda_Diaz_@twitter.com de 2015 se le ha aparecido a la señora ministra @Yolanda_Diaz_@twitter.com de 2021
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GuerraDeClases/status/1475446769836335106
Nire troll faboritoena xD
RT @valtonyc@twitter.com
A les 9:15h Bèlgica m'ha llevat les mesures cautelars i he pogut sortir del país. Després de 10 hores de cotxe creuant França, he entrat dins l'estat espanyol després de 4 anys de no poder fer-ho per visitar uns amics a Euskal Herria. Salutacions i fins la propera, @guardiacivil@twitter.com
Acabo de traduir @pixelfed al català! Segurament s'ha de millorar algunes coses, ja que falta context per algunes paraules i sobretot falten variables extra per formar frases amb més sentit. El 1% que queda es per una paraula que desconec per complert el context. Ho anirem millorant poc a poc!
Thanks so much @dansup
RT @ferranmartin@twitter.com
Viñeta vía http://patreon.com/ferranmartin
#fiestas #navidad #nochebuena #nochevieja #humorViral
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ferranmartin/status/1471834759320018952
Yes, you too saw it.
RT @archillect@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/archillect/status/1472173320615469057
If someone manages to get extraplanetary code execution, he/she/they deserve a new complete category of pwnie award.
RT @TheASF@twitter.com
Did you know that Ingenuity, the Mars 2020 Helicopter mission, is powered by Apache Log4j? http://logging.apache.org/ #Apache #OpenSource #innovation #community #logging #services
"Today was my last day at Oracle, and thus also in the MySQL team. [...] MySQL is a pretty poor database, and you should strongly consider using Postgres instead."
RT @ProjectZeroBugs@twitter.com
This shouldn't have happened: A vulnerability postmortem https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2021/12/this-shouldnt-have-happened.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ProjectZeroBugs/status/1466115866471256067
Annoyed of spam messages in public channels? Gajim just gained support for Message Moderation!
Also this month: better message corrections and improved notifications.
I've released Converse version 9.
This release includes mostly bugfixes, including a few OMEMO ones.
Marcus Mengs posted HTTP dumps from #Instagram mobile app that collects and sends to Meta the following details:
SSID and BSSID of all local WiFi networks, including yours
BLE beacons
Detailed GPS (!) location
Nice article about the various Emacs modes you can use to view files.
Via Hacker News [ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29342176 ]
Here we are!
🎉✌️ #Mobilizon v2 has just been released ✌️🎉
We hope you 'll be able to free your events & groups from the clutches of Facebook 😉
Read about a year of improvements from your feedback here :