A lot of people mock the bros for misinterpreting movies like Fight Club and American Psycho and seeing the main characters as aspirational, but who am I to criticize? I can't say I never daydreamed about the appeal of Gregor Samsa getting to stay in bed and never leave his room.

@StefanThinks I mean, the fight club dudes did destroy the banking and credit/debt systems...

@Mutedog @StefanThinks
Had Fight Club been written today, the main character, Tyler, Marla and Bob would all be the same person 😅

The issues the main character is dealing with aren't too different from what people face today. And the way he deals with them are sure unhealthy, but sadly it's not much worse than what we sometimes see in reality nowadays. At least in the movie — the book was darker, but I don't remember it too well.

@m0xee @StefanThinks there are some theories that tyler, marla and bob are all the same person


@Mutedog @StefanThinks
AFAIR the book is pretty much open-ended and that very well could be the case. But for the movie they've made the plot more consistent making it not impossible, but less likely.

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