Hey Poland, you want to make sure Russia won't take over the country without spending a penny? Here's a tip: half the Poles would be, like, fuck yeah I'll shoot me some ruskies if I'll see them marching trough my backyard.
All you need to do is to un-gay the gun laws. Amend the constitution to make gun ownership an inherit right, not a fuckin' privilege and there you have it! You'll even make money on taxing gun sales. Just saying
Small firearms sadly won't stop tanks, UAVs and glider bombs — to stop an army you need one too, not a militia 🤷
@dcc @ThatCrazyDude
Well, I'm sure Poles would be pretty good at guerilla warfare — which would be even more effective in urban areas (of which the Afghanistan does not have much). But it would still take years of that for the occupying army to bleed out enough to consider withdrawing — and damage to your nation would already be done, that is why more economically advanced nations prefer professional armies and diplomatic deterrence, I would certainly choose Poland over Afghanistan any day😅
@amerika @dcc @ThatCrazyDude
And the Baltic states before that — USSR have mostly been using local communist parties as a pre-text to invade, Russia uses Russian communities, otherwise the playbook didn't change much.
Russians living in Baltic states would never give up their "non-citizen" status for Russian citizenship as it allows them to travel both to EU and to Russia…
@amerika @dcc @ThatCrazyDude
…but they might make "Russia coming to them" seem more legitimate in the eyes of the international community.
That is precisely why I think healthy nationalism has a more important role in deterring this than access to small firearms. Look at Finns — I've never expected them to be as hostile to Russians, but I think it's what allowed them to fend for themselves in the Winter war.
@m0xee @dcc it's all true, but then you also need to consider the fact that just the knowledge of the fact that if you'll invade will effectively put you in another Afganistan, only worse because the poles can afford half decent gear is a deterrent in itself. After all, why would you waste troops and gear on invading something you can't possibly keep