Is Firefox usable? I remember it being somewhat clunky in Droidian on my phone and AFAIK Furiphone uses a similar OS.
That was a couple of years ago though, so things might've improved drastically.

@m0xee The included firefox is pretty usable. It has some issues, but none that make it unusable. Add ons work. Biggest issue is the settings. I had to keep switching between landscape and portrait to get to all the buttons to tap to get things set how I want it.


Oh, yes! Especially the proxy settings, I remember them being nearly impossible to reach, especially if you configured the fonts to be bigger 🤣
Do gestures work? I expect them to, because both Firefox itself and mobile Linux systems have improved in that regard. Couple of years ago desktop Firefox running in desktop Windows (!) was pure magic when it comes to touch control, on Linux phones… it was still like controlling a mouse-oriented GUI with you fingers 😩

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