I'm looking for #recommendations for #mp3 player apps for android, specifically for music.
I have multiple apps for playing audio, but they either won't play local files or it would be clunky to do so. Search engines give me sponsored listicles written by someone who hasn't even tried the app ("it has good reviews in the app store."). I'm not sure how we got to the worst timeline.
@annika @darkfrog
Might sound weird, but… I'm using foobar2000 on Android — about the only app that I use, that isn't open source and isn't on F-droid. It's still free as in beer.
It's a bit clunky here and there, but all other players I've tried were even worse😖
It's good for playing local files, even from SD card if you have one, can handle internet radio and use DLNA sources.
And it has a desktop widget to control it that blends well with my mostly black and white theme.