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> javascript dev

chat what to do in this scenario

@fiore is this me ??? i hope this is me i love javascrip!!!!! javascript on bottom!!!

@max yeas this is you now die kill die die stab stab kill murder

@fiore i did say javascript on bottom btw not on top which would be a form of me shilling it

@max i rlly wanted to check out that rss feed thing you made but i am not installing deno im sorry maybe another day

@max another ryan dahl js runtime has hit the towers

@fiore when will people realise the towers fell themselves


@fiore i have considered it but at the time i was straight up locked into deno now that im indifferent to it now maybe ill try bun

@max javascript is a curse and honestly it s impressive ppl do the things they do with it but i want is as far as possible from anything that isnt my web browser

@fiore dw all of my deno projects run on the web hope ur hapy now

@max oh i didnt go deep enough in the repos to actually figure that out am i an awful person did i judge too fast

(also im mainly joking in this whole thread )

@fiore its ok your still good ive kinda moved onto c# anyway

@max the web browser project seems big how is that going ? also how is c# is it nice

@fiore 0.5% progress on the rewrite also c# is nice i like the idea of namespaces but i fucking hate the formatting all the other c# developers do thats why i call it gnu coding standard bc its shit

@max gnu coding standard on the microsoft language , sounds awesome

@fiore it honestly looks like it if you saw it lmao

@max i have no idea how gnu code looks fortunately ive only used languages with very strict formatting rules and with strict formatters ( black for python and cargo fmt in rust )

ig there isnt much to be formatted in fortran code

@fiore since when were there formatters for python lmao

@max pep8 actually has very strict rules so black ends up being a very strict (=> good) formatter

@fiore if i used a strict formatter with c# it would turn into that gnu coding standard shit

@max maybe i should try c# i might enjoy it actually ive seen ppl happy with it , but also idk i might want to try java first so i can do minecraft mods and android apps

@fiore @max it's a nice language, just some parts about .net are anniying
@fiore @max also pretty much the fastest language with gc i think
@fiore @snacks rule of thumb is to assume everything is better than go even when go surpasses anything
@max @fiore go is really good at real time as far as garbage collected languages go and the simplicity makes yoz hust het done with shit

@snacks @fiore @max
Also I've seen those who are normally JS devs write Go code and like it… Just saying! 😜

@m0xee @snacks @fiore i sometimes write typescript and i hate it!!!! i hope they kill the go gopher!!!

@max @snacks @m0xee i think the gopher would be nice to hug tho

and then murder

@fiore @max @snacks
Oh, come on, let's be civil here!
(Just trick your mind into thinking it's Plan 9 Glenda β€” ain't easy considering the lack of ears, but life is SO-O MUCH easier that way 🀭)

@fiore @max @snacks
I agree! The main point: it's hard to move away from β€” that is indeed so and it's very important when you're using it commercially, as for other disadvantages β€” they have their counterparts in other languages, the article even gives a few examples of those.
One other thing that strikes me: indeed, it has very opinionated defaults and your code is to be error-prone if you're writing it just by looking at others' code, which is important for junior devs…


@fiore @max @snacks
You have to learn how to write *idiomatic* Go code (at least read The Go Programming Language), then a lot of mistakes are easy to avoid β€” and a lot of things start making sense, those that don't β€” never do πŸ˜‚

@fiore @max @snacks
Indeed, the compiler doesn't warn you about shit… But in case with Rust you're in some cases doing things in a very inefficient way just to make the compiler SHUT THE FUCK UP β€” because you feel that re-writing it in an idiomatic way for Rust might make your head explode 🀯
All in all, nothing is perfect, the article is absolutely right about that.

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