@prahou@merveilles.town @FritzAdalis@infosec.exchange I hope it's a reactions video channel where people react to being told they have to use outlook. 🤞

@kunev @prahou @FritzAdalis *gently points to their conveniently located brick* oh do i

@prahou @kunev @FritzAdalis i wouldn't be surprised if tesla employees used outlook to send each other nonconsensually captured imagery of their customers

@prahou @kunev @FritzAdalis i can imagine that tesla would be useful in a scenario of being threatened by outlook

@ozzelot I don't know who would buy it. I tried it once and it was pretty disgusting. @smoon @kunev @FritzAdalis

@prahou @m0xee @smoon @kunev @FritzAdalis i hope we didn't manifest that collage thing, we'd have some explaining to do and i find it utterly inexplicable


@ozzelot @prahou @smoon @kunev @FritzAdalis
You can print the collage from that night in colour, laminate it and use it instead — I think it would be enough for the road police to confirm that you are authorised to drive that vehicle… or any other vehicle… or pilot a spaceship 🤪

@ozzelot @prahou @smoon @kunev @FritzAdalis
Listening mostly to 70s psychedelia might also work, but the only sure way is acquiring powers of a cat 😺

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