@troed This is the core in the anarchist ideology.

from the wiki: "according to which each individual has the right to live as they choose, so long as it does not involve violating the rights of others by initiating force or fraud against them" - Only that they support the right to exclude people from land they "own" but not use, exclude people from food they have in mass when people are in need. Libertarians are from negative freedom: ME ME ME.

@streetartutopia Sure - anarchism (bottom left) is a libertarian ideology. That's why you sometimes see people refer to themselves as "left-libertarian" (anarchist) or "right-libertarian" (neoliberals et. al)


@troed Everyone interested in society know this diagram and have seen it thousands of times. :) But do you understand the differens between negativ and positive freedom? Example: The right to roam vs the right to own? When you understand that you understand that the libertarian ideology have more in common with the right then the anarchists and that a libertarian commune will hurt people.


@troed @streetartutopia
This is due to Mises Caucus taking over the Libertarian Party in the US, people started conflating all libertarianism with so-called "paleolibertarianism" which is American conservatism in disguise that makes it look a bit cooler than it really is. Sadly, even Europeans do it nowadays.

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