Visited Hodge. He came to sniff, then went into the organ.

Saw him again later, when he lied down some distance after cleaning his paw.

Pfotos later.

Oh, the cathedral is also great. Makes me want to sing a piece.

I also told Hodge’s staff a bit about the Fediverse, we’ll see if he can join us here as well.

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Now I’ve passed through London Waterloo as well on a John Rutter trip (my previous one was to Belgium Waterloo).

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Aaaaaand @SPECR_cat is sitting next to me. He came over for some head scritches but seems otherwise not interested in activity.

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@mirabilos @SPECR_cat
Ha-ha-ha! Coming to a cathedral with something having your avatar on it is a bit controversial — I mean we all know what Beastie is, but other visitors might not 😈
The cat is amazing! 😻 Is he friendly with everyone like that?

@m0xee apprently (according to an info sheet hanging on the door and the visitor I spoke with) @SPECR_cat doesn’t like humans much and even scratches when annoyed.

When I finally spotted him, he came over and asked for head scritches! Not too much, mind you, but it’s more than the sniff Hodge took 😹

Maybe Pushkin smelled I’m owned by two of his lookalikes.

(for the sake of completeness: yes, I did make sure I had sufficiently clean and sanitary hands before entering; I’ve been in a cat café in Düsseldorf (sadly defunct) once and learnt)

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