I'm reading an old book and I saw "Google Desktop" mentioned. Looked it up and it's just as horrific as it sounds.

@RustyCrab no stop it. This is charm. Charm of the old tech world when everyone had weird little programs.
We need to go back to this!

@inertia nigga you really want google searching and indexing all your desktop files? :niggaskull:

@RustyCrab I doubt they uploaded that stuff. That was the times were bandwidth was small.


@RustyCrab @inertia
I'd like to interject, Google Chrome was released in 2008!

ยท bloat ยท 1 ยท 0 ยท 1
@m0xee @inertia what really? I thought it was way older than that. People really had to suffer that long with Internet Exploder

@RustyCrab @inertia
I'd prefer it would've remained that way โ€” those who didn't want to suffer had Firefox.
Google Chrome on the other hand would likely die only together with the web itself ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

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