@p @vic
> It's like a DE. I don't want a DE. People ask how you can have a widget tray without a DE. I don't want a widget tray.
Same here, I have machines that do not have dbus, but I have no problem running it on the ones where I can benefit from it — seriously, among these things it's the only one I have zero problems with. Overengineered — sure, but it's nowhere near as buggy as systemd and it's fully modular: you can easily replace it with another thing and you can even not have it at all.
@p @vic
> If I kill dbus, a bunch of shit crashes.
I suppose it depends on the distro, how deeply it integrates it and how modular it assumes it to be.
I have just restarted dbus in my Void system (where I even have elogind) — literally nothing started falling apart, no user-facing software crashed or got terminated, bluetoothd got restarted — that's it 🤷
@teratology @p @vic
And even if I don't like the binaries they ship, xbps-src allows me to hack on things easily, for example I despise WebP and I build most software without support for it, even if it's not optional already, I can easily modify the template file to make it such, if it gets updated, I can always apply my changes on top of it and rebuild because void-packages is just a git repo.
Pretty much what I want from Gentoo — but without all the daunting fuckery, Void's amazing!