@xenia This would most likely be impossible to enforce in a federated network
@xenia You can always simply reject all replies to a certain post, but I don't think that would stop other implementations from accepting it, due to the nature of public posts and activitypub

i think it would require some amount of fucking with the spec to get right

@kirby @xenia
Yep, and that would be it, if original poster doesn't see comments, it means they don't exist. You can't prevent people from discussing things, you can only hinder it in some way. Someone can always post the link to the post and others can comment under that — as it often happens with posts on other social media 🤷

@m0xee @xenia quite dumb if the idea is to prevent discussion altogether

@kirby @xenia
Yeah, like I said, you can't prevent people from discussing things. Even totalitarian regimes ultimately fail at that 😏

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