@Hyolobrika I stopped watching him because of just how much he redundantly talks about the same things in the same way, as if his brain is just locked into repeating these thought loops whenever anything related to them is triggered. On the last video I watched I estimated there was about 4 minutes of unique content in like 20 minutes of video.

If I wanted to watch One Piece I'd do that.

@Amikke @Hyolobrika
> how much he redundantly talks about the same things in the same way, as if his brain is just locked into repeating these thought loops whenever anything related to them is triggered
Isn't it a general issue with YouTube videos? 🤪

@Amikke @Hyolobrika
At least it's the impression I always get: that it could've been a blog post that is just two paragraphs long, but as the person telling me this treats me as if I'm an idiot, he/she keeps repeating the same things again and again, using different words and expressions this time — maybe these one will make it through. I usually see this… and get back to reading texts 😅

@m0xee @Hyolobrika not the YT videos I watch. And yeah, rephrasing the same thought in a different way and context can be helpful or at least bearable, but Rossman just 100% repeats the exact same strings of words he said a few minutes ago.

I guess he's probably used to explaining the same things to different (and the same but slow) people in the same way over and over so it's like an ingrained thought path.

@Hyolobrika @Amikke
Well, maybe I just didn't find the people who would be right for me — I'm a huge fan of a couple of comedy shows on YT, all episodes of which I have downloaded and I watch them locally. And when a new episode gets released, I yt-dlp it and forget about YouTube for another month.

>And when a new episode gets released, I yt-dlp it and forget about YouTube for another month.
You could probably script it so that happens automatically. Did you know YouTube has RSS feeds?

@Hyolobrika @Amikke
Yeah, and I've even been thinking about it, but ultimately decided against it — they don't get released on a regular enough basis to justify the effort 😁

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