Wat is wrong with buffering? Without it you're fucked in a lot of cases: network delays, physical media spun down on detecting vibrations to prevent damage, physical media having to be re-read due to errors, etc…
And 1.25 seems to be just right to be reading FLACs on average — studio recordings are often heavily compressed/filtered and use even lower bandwidth.
You obviously have no experience using low processing power machines, which use USB (an utter garbage of interface 😏) for audio, networking AND storage.
Dropouts are gay and lame and whatever, buffering is amazing!
Sure, everyone knows that you need modern desktop-class hardware to play audio 😂
Of course it is better! Might even allow you to implement audio decompression in JS — computing power well spent 😜
No need to! Buffering can defeat the deficiencies even of such a sorry ass of interface as USB. But of course that wouldn't even be necessary were superior DMA-capable hardware used.