This is making the rounds re: Signal being run by activists of the US state dept for regime change


U.S.-supported Color Revolutions abroad.

This is 100% Russian propaganda language and the whole article is built on this narrative 🤮

@kravietz You cannot deny that Signal's funding came from the Open Technology Fund which came out of Radio Free Asia which was operated by the CIA. This is a fact.
@kravietz this is the response everyone has, and then 25 years later when all the documents go public revealing how deep and nefarious the relationship was everyone goes "how could we have not known?????"


The problem is that the article does not point to any specific surveillance or backdoor issues in Signal code which, as we all know, is open-source. It does not even point to any specific legal or organisational issues which could lead to tampering the software. And because the author does not have any such arguments, the whole premise of the article is built on top “look, she worked there” and the rest is left to the reader and their personal paranoias 🤷

And these references to “regime changes” and “color revolutions” only confirm author’s own political bias and highly insulting to everyone in these countries where people fought for their own freedom.

Adding Durov’s quote on top of that is rather ironic, as the messenger is known to cooperate with FSB requests and completely opaque as it comes to its operations and server-side code.

@kravietz @feld I wonder if people could fight for their own freedom while also being manipulated by propaganda and acting in a way that benefits foreign interests.

@thatguyoverthere @kravietz @feld
They might be, but in this case it might be simply impossible to tell, what part of it is being manipulated and what comes of acting on their own accord. It might sound absurd, but for people living in non-free regimes, CIA might be way more trustworthy than any domestic entity. CIA (and their friends belonging to other states) might indeed be skilled manipulators, but it doesn't mean that people would do whatever they want.

@m0xee @kravietz @feld yeah to me it seems more sun tzu use the enemies inertia against them than some kind of direct mind control. Pushing someone satisfied with the status quo to weaken it is much harder than using people who are already disgruntled.

@thatguyoverthere @kravietz @feld
When it comes to CIA involvement, on one hand I understand where this is coming from, it's American guilty conscience speaking: "It was us who ruined their country!", on the other — it denies people in other countries their free will. It's like you said — not direct mind control, more like favouring one party over the other, but if tipping the balance of scales can result in collapse, this means that society is already in an unhealthy state.

@thatguyoverthere @kravietz @feld
Were any of these countries that are often attributed to be "ruined by CIA" ever prosperous? There are particularly funny cases, such as Iraq. I've been rewatching Vice recently — not a bad movie of course, very entertaining and well-made, but it's implied throughout the movie: "They did it for the oil!" Now let's take a look into who is mining oil in Iraq:

The top company there by gross income is American. The second is British.

@Hyolobrika @kravietz @feld @thatguyoverthere
Fair point, but the share of all US companies is not an order of magnitude greater than the combined share of Russian oil producers, IIRC it's not even two times greater — the numbers are comparable. And yet "Powell shaking the vial at UN" is a major propaganda talking point here. So it would be like you've robbed some guy, and me being like: "Okay, I'll take my share of course, but you're such a bastard for robbing that poor fella!"😏

@Hyolobrika @kravietz @feld @thatguyoverthere
If they indeed "did it for the oil" — it would be wise to "protect the investments" and make sure others can't join the party, at least not on this scale. Of course we can delve further into conspiracy and suspect that letting Russian companies in was in fact according to the plan — to whitewash the US foreign influence operation. But if that is the case — US intelligence community is hands down too competent.

@Hyolobrika @kravietz @feld @thatguyoverthere
Resistance is futile — if it were KGB/GRU, they would've fucked up at least twice on every stage of the operation.
More likely scenario IMO is that however bad it is, this operation was part genuine concern of the situation in the region, part dirty political games (i.e. certain people acting for their own political gain, not as state actor) and part incompetence — bad intel, etc-etc.

@Hyolobrika @kravietz @feld @thatguyoverthere
If oil was involved in the decision making it wasn't the primary motivation. But when it was done — oil production companies just started filling the void, companies from all around the world, including countries that never approved of the whole thing — just not to be "too late to the party", so did the US companies — not because they were *enabled* to act.

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