I've decided that I don't like the default roundness of the rounded squares inside Arcticons. So I'm going through all the icons to change them πŸ™ƒ

I think it looks more modern and friendly this way :)


@joel @donno
Post link if you're serious. Not that I hate roundness, I just like when it's subtle 😜
This indeed looks more modern, but I think that is the problem with modern UI design: they overdo it.

@m0xee @donno not serious tbh

Besides most icons are actually freeform or circular, so I don't think it's worth it

@joel @m0xee I think it's still subtle enough right now, nothing too big, just 2px extra roundness :)


@donno @joel
Oh, yes, these look perfect!
Upon seeing what they did with UI in Android 12 the first thing I did was getting rid of the roundness entirely πŸ˜‚
But I have backtracked on it since and now it's something in-between, the icons from this image would fit right in!

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