A person suffering from mental illness doesn't always recognize their pain as a symptom of illness. Many blame others for not accepting their divergence from normality. It's worse if there is a community of similarly deranged people reinforcing this idea, and doubly so if society pretends to go along.

@thatguyoverthere Well, by your analogy, let's imagine some person doesn't have a hand. Can he be a productive member of society — sure can, there are jobs other than working in the field. Can he live a normal life — with proper infrastructure, sure can and our society is developed enough to provide it.
So this person demanding to be taken like a normal member of society is quite okay — and that is what most of them want (no reason to pretend that he has a hand, it's obvious that he doesn't).


@thatguyoverthere This person demanding society to act as if everyone doesn't have a hand is NOT okay. In any case, making fun of this person, pointing finger and shouting: "Look, he's disabled" — isn't beneficial to anyone, integrating him/her into society is, and for both: for this person and the society — he might not be the best farmer, but he could be a way better… software developer than most people having both hands 🤷

@m0xee > making fun of this person isn't beneficial

Yeah this is actually one of the reasons I posted the thought. I think sometimes we see abnormal behaviors as conscious decisions. Often times I think a person exhibiting signs of mental illness is probably in pain which causes these behaviors. I have over my years gone through periods of my life where I had issues that needed resolution, but others around me couldn't see the pain I was in (half the time neither could I) and identifying those issues took years as a result.
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