Really does suck that twitter users are starting to inch closer and closer to us though.

@kirby Everyone was panicked about Threads tying Instagram users to Fedi and that fizzled. The Kiwi Farms things was dramatic for a while but ultimately died down.

Fedi is the Afghanistan of the internet.
@victor @kirby threads is (was?) a huge threat to mastodon. It never had any particular effect on us except if Facebook began putting pressure on vps companies to boot us off.
@RustyCrab @kirby I think dark fedi is a containment zone that needs to be kept intact (from the perspective of zog censoring). It's effectively an echo chamber and isn't really reaching anyone new, and it keeps us here and away from impressionable people whose minds could otherwise be changed. I don't want to say that "we're fine" for sure, but there is a reason it's still around. It's also a pressure release valve where people can whine and feel better.
@victor @kirby there's multiple darkfedi zones and they're not all politisperging. Some are just chill like my instance. It's just that there is no middleground on english fediverse. You're either "blm acab" or "you must say this many n words for entry".
@RustyCrab @kirby That's true. It's kind of a reflection of the world we're in, unfortunately...It's what a lot of people we interact with irl are thinking but can't say. We're really two schism'd societies overlaid on top of one another, there isn't really much neutral "stuff" that people are interested in talking about these days.

It's either "racist video game group" or "tranny video game group," not "video game group."

It's like people are looking for something to disagree on and be done with it, like they don't like agreeing on anything anymore.
But me personally? Fedi has taught me whole other lesson — that we don't have to agree on absolutely everything to be nice to each other. Sometimes I look and like "WTF is this person posting, this is flat earth grade stuff to me" But we can perfectly fine with each other and agree on a lot of other topics, Fedi is somewhat unique in this.
@RustyCrab @kirby

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@m0xee @RustyCrab @kirby I agree. I draw the line at trannyism because their very existence and identity they've chosen is an affront to God, but I often find myself agreeing with other types who would "normally" hate me (of course hatred is not normal or natural or okay except the perfect hatred of evil) otherwise.
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