#Russia justification for the war in #Ukraine number 315 is a fantastic mix of #geopolitics conspiracies involving volcanoes, and voiced not by a low-rank propagandist but by a top official from Putin’s administration:

The safest place on Earth, should the US dormant volcano Yellowstone erupt, would be Eastern Europe and Siberia. This is precisely why the West is keen to get hold of Heartland. Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said this in an interview with Izvestiya. β€œIf it (Yellowstone volcano. - Ed.) wakes up, it will be an unprecedented catastrophe. It is capable of eruptions thousands of times greater than known to mankind. Observations show that the volcano is becoming more active as the years go by, with magma reaching the surface at a rapid rate. The number of earthquakes in the surrounding caldera is also increasing, reaching two thousand per year,” said Patrushev.

Source in Russian: https://web.archive.org/web/20230503104935/https://iz.ru/1507429/2023-05-03/nikolai-patrushev-nazval-samoe-bezopasnoe-mesto-na-zemle


@kravietz Most of them are mentally unwell, in a medical sense. I bet Putin shares similar beliefs, he just keeps his mouth shut. What he says in public is reviewed by competent people so very little of it slips through, but who knows what he has told Macron on the phone.
This one β€” on the contrary, speaks out quite often and when he does, it's something like that. If he was into sci-fi, not those spy novels, I think we could hear something even more exquisite from him.

Β· Web Β· 2 Β· 1 Β· 2

Well, this hold for every other conspiracy. If NWO decides to get rid of us, we're doomed too. And I might even believe that the concern is genuine if it didn't come out of the mouth of this guy.
You might not believe me, but a lot of FSB officers, both ex and acting, are also into esoteric stuff. I know from a friend, who was into these circles. So if you know tarot and all that and are acquainted with the right people, you might not need your office job anymore.

@m0xee @kravietz I'm not saying it's why we care about Ukraine, I'm just saying if it explodes there is little anyone can do within range to protect themselves. No conspiracy. We just hope it doesn't happen. Even an "early warning" would be of little use to most people considering the potential size of the eruption.

@thatguyoverthere I agree, this would seriously fuck things up, but same is true for every other major dormant volcano suddenly awakening. Are odds really high? When I read about it, it didn't seem likely to me, more like a scary story type of thing.
TBH this looks way scarier as it's closer to me πŸ˜…
Soviet engineers came up with a bright idea of setting that thing on fire and it's been burning for decades ever since. Like 24/7, no one managed to extinguish it.

@m0xee @kravietz ah yeah there are coal mines over here that are on fire for decades too. Not sure they were lit intentionally though.

I think volcano activity is increasing globally. A few years ago I remember reading about helium content of the sea water around Antarctica being an indicator. I have heard it said there may be a connection between solar activity and volcanic activity.

At the end of the day you are absolutely right though. If large dormant volcanoes erupt it's going to be catastrophic, but there is next to nothing you can do to avoid it so I don't see much point in getting overly concerned.

@thatguyoverthere Burning coal is pretty bad too, but gas looks absolutely scary to me. I might be making things up, but imagine there is a bigger deposit beneath it and that it eventually burns through and caves in. The combustion might be catastrophic.
Deepwater Horizon was bad enough, but here there is no pipe to sever, this thing is 60 meter in diameter.

I think it's theoretically possible to cover it with a dome to prevent oxygen intake so the fires die out, but you can't build one in place because of high temperatures. The material also has to be sturdy enough so it doesn't melt, it might be so costly that no one cares enough to do it.

@m0xee @kravietz you might also encourage the fire to seek oxygen through fissures and stuff if you starve off the most readily available source.
Both the Pennsylvania coal mine fire and the Turkmen gas field are small, compared to an average volcano. Eruption of a volcano under the coal mine or gas field would simply blow them away at once, instead of burning for years and decades.
And of course, Yellowstone is a much larger than average volcano.
@m0xee @kravietz yeah the towns around the mines end up completely abandoned which sucks, but gas probably has a bigger chance of actually exploding if it finds enough air.

Media like to spin volcano stories but geology records events in thousands to millions of years. Statistically you can't exclude chances of Yellowstone β€” or Elbrus for that matter β€” going off in our lifetime, which makes a good clickbait :) And Elbrus going off would obliterate most of Southern Russia and Caucasus, which is why when I was hearing these stories for the last 20 years there :)


I'm with you here 100% as for the last 20 years I was going to expeditions in Russian North Caucasus, obviously through Moscow, Krasnodar etc. I've met plenty of "esoteric" folks, especially from "Kosmopoisk" organization, and even they jokingly call themselves "schizoterics" due to a very high concentration of people with actual mental problems. Among the latter there's overrepresentation of former "siloviki", so all kind of military, FSB etc. There's plenty of actual neo-Nazi believers in "white race", "purging of society", vicious antisemites etc especially among the latter. I was once drinking at a flat of one such folks and he had a book of Jurgen Graf, a well known Holocaust denier, whose books are quite popular in Russia. When I asked about, he delivered a whole tirade about how Auschwitz was built as a fake and didn't stop even when I explained I lived 70 km from Auschwitz and was in the museum 3-4 times over the years. He had plenty of crazy theories where he freely picked up from numerology, genetics, random conspiracy theories and changed it whenever he needed...


> "schizoterics" due to a very high concentration of people with actual mental problems. Among the latter there's overrepresentation of former "siloviki"
Sounds strangely familiar πŸ˜‚
Although my friend told me about such a circle operating near Saint-Petersburg, I won't be too surprised if they have a lot in common independent of geography. Internet is no longer a tech geek thing, people with all sorts of interests can communicate easily.

And I'm not inherently against it β€” people have all sorts of weird hobbies, myself included, however, what you might find charming in a girl, gets mildly disturbing being found in a man who can easily fsck your life up and who makes real life decisions based on that.



I have mixed feelings, because "Kosmopoisk" folks tend to project their fantasies on the real world. If your brain is trained to find a mystical link between a tree, a dog and a star then it's not hard to understand how they can also easily make a link between a Jew and a reptile. And these have real-life consequences πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Yeah, exactly! It's okay when it's a hobby, it goes wrong when it starts warping reality, people who open up to this make themselves vulnerable to both, manipulations by others and to weird ideas their own mind throws at them, devoid of reality checks.

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