Moscow riot police is doing a crackdown on bars to celebrate Putin's newly found international recognition. They make guests sing "patriotic" songs. What's ironic is that singer of one of the bands in question — Lyube, is rumoured to be a citizen of Germany, or at least was living there for years until he got expelled recently — that's an exemplar Russian patriot for you!
It's not even a proper police-enforced dictatorship, it's like a very dark parody of it 🤦
Sorry for Google Translation, I'm too lazy to do this one myself, here's the link to it not to mess with the screenshot: https://ovd-news.translate.goog/express-news/2023/03/17/v-dva-moskovskih-bara-prishla-policiya-tam-zaderzhivayut-lyudey-vizit?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp