The House is set to vote Tuesday on a bill that would let the administration destroy nonprofits it claims support terrorism.
You probably haven't heard about this if you follow only U.S. media, but Israel is engaged in old-fashioned ethnic cleansing in northern Gaza.
Communication metadata reveals more than you might think, and knowing why that matters is an important part of any security plan.
@dcz It's also not a wise move w.r.t. to energy consumption, environmental impact, and the best way to accelerate #climatecrisis. Also read
So following Pareto principle, you want to find a sweet spot between energy consumption and code checks.
Even if I had the money, I would still reduce pipelines to a bare minimum to avoid wasting energy.
While looking at some details of my prepaid card I got reminded that phosh-osk-stub lacks special layouts for numbers, digits, PINs and phone numbers but not for much longer. If all goes well this will land for 0.44. While at that I looked at making calls's USSD dialog a bit easier to use:
The actual effects of the IMF's and World Bank's policies - wealth extraction and crushing poverty.
"Everybody needs energy—every farm, food production plant, and transportation vehicle depend on it," Oliver said. "This could really impact people. This process can be done at just above room temperature and it's reusable. You don't need to have a refinery; you can potentially use this method on a farm."
Biodiesel is cool af. Glad to see it's still getting r&d attention. I used to drive a bio-diesel powered park-and-ride bus, and people always knew it was coming from the french-fry smell 😍.
"In their study, published on October 3 in the journal Energy & Fuels, lead author Kevin Lofgren details a new way to turn used vegetable oil into biodiesel that involves sodium tetramethoxyborate (NaB(OMe)4). This chemical, used to make the active ingredient that reacts with oil to make biodiesel, is considered unique because it allows the biofuel to be easily separated from the byproducts of production—by simply pouring them off."
Oh, now I realized: most forges host underpriced runners, so they have a reason to have them run as little as possible.
Well, I set up my own runner on #forgejo for a single repo, so I have power to spare :P
A piece of criticism to all code forges I know: why not run #CI on all commits?
A bad commit is a liability. It will break bisect and make debugging miserable.
#ForgejoActions takes it to the extreme and cancels an already running action when I push another change.
I get it - it's too slow and expensive to test them all when pipelines take minutes to run. But you could just pause the old ones until the newest one is finished!
Disappointed by #ForgejoActions :
the runner does not clone the repository for you. You need to explicitly add a line:
"- uses: actions/checkout@v4"
...and then
> Error: crun: executable file `node` not found in $PATH: [...]
Do I *really* need js to do a #Git checkout? Sheesh.
So here you go, the equivalent:
- run: git clone --depth 1 ${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }} -b ${{ github.ref_name }} .
Pardon my sincerity. This sucks, gang.
In the short remaining time in this Congress, a Senate committee is planning to vote on two bills that would skew the patent system further in favor of patent trolls. Help us stop them:
Some wingnut I've never spoken to before (or again (*foreshadowing!*)) accused me of living in an "echo chamber" because I block people.
* Fuck the "echo chamber" discourse. I reject it entirely.I am not here to wear an ascetic's hair shirt because you think that surrounding myself with dickheads builds character.*
Block early and block often. I expanded on this in some detail in my "On Blocking" post from a few years back, but it bears repeating. Especially now.
Haymarket Books has made 10 key antifascist ebooks #free to download.
“Wherever each of us live, work, and are in community: the time is now to build power and fight back, together.”
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa