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In the short remaining time in this Congress, a Senate committee is planning to vote on two bills that would skew the patent system further in favor of patent trolls. Help us stop them:

Does anyone know of any non-religious home school plans/kits/bundles? For reasons far too complicated to explain on social media someone we know needs to home school their high school kid but they're not trying to teach the kid that Jesus rode on dinosaurs. Any resources I can point them to?

Some wingnut I've never spoken to before (or again (*foreshadowing!*)) accused me of living in an "echo chamber" because I block people.

* Fuck the "echo chamber" discourse. I reject it entirely.I am not here to wear an ascetic's hair shirt because you think that surrounding myself with dickheads builds character.*

Block early and block often. I expanded on this in some detail in my "On Blocking" post from a few years back, but it bears repeating. Especially now.

Haymarket Books has made 10 key antifascist ebooks #free to download.

“Wherever each of us live, work, and are in community: the time is now to build power and fight back, together.”


A few weeks ago I was like “Hey, what do I do with an old bike helmet?”

The answer is now clear, save it for the protests… we’ll need them.

#bikeTooter #ResistFascism #FightBack

The newest edition of the biennial
@cijournalism Symposium, Source! brings together leading investigative journalists and advocates from around the world to engage in a series of talks and presentations about digital security, whistleblower protection, and much more.


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If the court rules against Catherine Herridge, every potential whistleblower in DC during Trump 2.0 will think twice before coming forward.

We’ll all know less about waste, corruption and malfeasance.

This case is important. The court can’t hear it in secret.

I’m a farmer – and I’m glad to see tax loopholes closing for cynical investor landowners - "It could have been better designed, but Rachel Reeves’s inheritance tweak will help farmers with mud on their boots" exactly: ignore the whining super-rich

US Pol - after vs before 

I wanna say something to people who work in tech-related jobs in America: this is still a field where most people hate the rise of fascism and want to stop it. I know the media & amplification of the tycoons makes it seem like that’s the whole industry. But it’s not. And we still have power.

Now we have people like David Brooks saying, well, hold up, maybe, just maybe, a Bernie Sanders like movement could have won here. Maybe that's the direction we need to go!

But we know that if we try to go in that direction, legacy media, the Democratic Party machine, and many MSNBC-pilled liberal rank and file folks will tell us to fuck off into the sun.

I am going to go in that direction anyway. Centrists failed. Left populists have work to do

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🚲 🚲 🚲 🚲

When you are #biking on the sidewalk or side of the road
Please use caution
And be prepared to
STOP abruptly
because seniors can not
Hear you approaching
Move as fast as you might expect.
While on a walk I looked up and a biker came around a tight curve and was suddenly in front of me.
I moved as fast as possible to avoid a collision, tripped over my husband's walker wheels, fell and cracked a bone in my wrist, hurt my knee, and pulled muscles in my back and neck. At my age I am very fortunate to not have a broken hip.
Of course the biker didn't notice and was long gone by the time I sat up.
I am not looking for sympathy replies, only asking you all take some care while riding around, even in the countryside.
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for those crazy motorists.

#Cycling #Bicycle #Transportation

I was reviewing a consultancy's work two days ago. I said something like "Well, it's not quite up to my standard, but it's actually adequate. Not sure what we'd add here."

Five minutes later, it became apparent that while the code was okay, they hadn't set a seed for any of their training runs (data science project), hadn't used version control, and had deleted all the models when they left when they shut down their EC2 instances.

The government client had already signed off on it.


Continually stating that things were "back to normal" as many were continuing to struggle with their health, to pay their bills, to afford the essentials etc., was a complete messaging failure.

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:TwinPines: Anybody know anything about
Looks like they are based in Canada.

We are humbled and extremely grateful to the good humans of @SocialCoop who have decided to make [a huge donation]( of £500 GBP to support our project 🎉🎉🎉

We intend to put this to good use in our participatory budgeting process, funding federation members and allies to work on improving our software and self-management processes.

Thank you so much 💝💝💝

-- @decentral1se

I have a comic in EC's Cruel Universe #4 about an election that gives rise to authoritarianism and tears the country apart. It's, uh, out now.

More here:

us pol - view from the ROW 

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